Now, even if it kills all the practitioners and armies of Fang Fan, Chi You Kingdom, and even Tianque Kingdom? He can't get the biggest piece of cake!

After many changes, the current Bright Alliance camp **** son Tai Shuqiong has controlled the most powerful force...

Once the fruit of the gods is really found, it must be him who takes the big head...

The strength is there, even if he is not convinced by the time, what can it be? Can he resist to the end? The key is, what does he resist?

Thinking of this, the face of this dark temple **** child Hei Tian became more and more difficult to look.

He attributed all the responsibility to Fang Fan! It was Fang Fan who caused these messy situations!

Senran's killing intent is concentrated, everything has settled!

Fang Fan took a deep breath, watching the encircling circle getting smaller and smaller, his brows wrinkled silently...

The power of Vega's group dark magic is indeed powerful, but it is such a one-time attack... After the attack is completed, even if it uses a supply card to replenish energy, it takes a very long time to prepare for the next wave of full-scale attacks!

As for the special warlock skills of the Yellow Turban Taiping Warlock Legion, it is indeed unpredictable, but the range that can be covered is limited...

If the enemy can really bear the heart to take out thousands or even tens of thousands of people as a shield, the Yellow Turban Warlock Legion will also be helpless.

The overall situation is paralyzed...

According to the current situation, it will only get worse and worse.

"I originally brought out most of the 30,000 Chiyou Kingdom elite who suffered damage, but now only about 10,000 remain..."

"In the beginning, the army of the Tianque Kingdom, which was about 150,000, has now been reduced to 120,000... and the rate of reduction is getting faster and faster... If this trend continues, it will not last long..."

Fang Fan's frowning gesture is very real...

"If I don't care about the tens of thousands of troops in the Chiyou Kingdom and the Tianque Kingdom, with the Ten Great Legions and the heroes, I will be able to smash a blood path and withdraw from them..."

"But this is equivalent to burying the remaining 10,000 elites of the Chiyou Kingdom and the 120,000 troops of the Tianque Kingdom in the hands of the enemy, becoming the biggest fat in their mouths..."

"If that's the case, those previous actions would seem meaningless, and even...with some sarcasm..."

"The purpose of this battle is to win the help of the Kingdom of Tianque... But if they are completely abandoned, not only will the help never be drawn, but also the 30,000 elite soldiers of the Chi You Kingdom will be ruined..."

Fang Fan’s eyes flickered...

Sometimes the crowd tactics really make your scalp numb!

Feeling this silently is also a mental riot!

"Master...We have already used several supply cards. If we continue to be squeezed here, we will reach the limit when we use the supply cards. Then we will really be exhausted..."

Galen rushed forward, the expression on his face more or less serious.

The current situation is indeed worse!

At this moment, Vega’s dark magic is about to be ready again, but relying on the strength of Vega alone can’t control the situation...

"If there are ten Vega together...maybe there is a silver lining..."

Fang Fan sighed softly, and couldn't help but think of Xiaoxiao’s exclusive army [Dark Wizard Legion]...

This army of little dark wizards is a full replica of Vigar's dark magic skills!

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