"Both belong to the bright camp?"

"Hehe... The uncle and the son of God are extremely eager!"

"When I was forced to make a truce between Zhengyi and Akabane Kingdom, why didn't Taishu Shenzi think that we belonged to the bright camp? Now I think of it? Don't it feel ironic?"

"Counting this way... don't you think it's ridiculous?"

Zhengyi Shenzong's third peak goddess Fu Xuewei said as she walked away, without giving Tai Shuqiong a chance to refute.

Everyone is not stupid, everyone can see clearly what the situation is...

It’s just that sometimes I don’t want to be so clear!

The changes in the situation, to some extent, seem very real!

Now Akabane Kingdom and Shinichi Sect are both retreating... and only the Dark Temple and Chunyang Kingdom are left...

The gaze of Tai Shuqiong, the **** son of the Temple of Bright Alliance, glanced towards the surrounding...

"Don't look at me... the power of your light camp is withdrawn. My Dark Temple is the opposite of your Light Alliance Temple. Now your Light Alliance Temple is going to fight internally. This son of God will naturally give you a chance to fight each other!"

Hei Tian, ​​the **** son of the dark temple, said as the smile on his face became more and more real, all kinds of thoughts were tumbling in his mind, and his eyes looked extremely excited.

When it's my turn to fight for life and death, I always feel very irritable, but watching others fighting, that kind of excitement seems particularly real!

Thinking of this, the smile at the corner of the dark temple **** Hei Tian's mouth became more and more, and there was even a vague sense of expectation in his heart.

After Fang Fan and the **** son Tai Shuqiong of the Temple of Light Alliance are inextricably fought, then do you have a cross? Kill them all at once?

Hei Tian, ​​the **** son of the Dark Temple, felt more excited as he thought about it...

At that time, Fang Fan and Tai Shuqiong, the two most powerful opponents, will be destroyed. Who dares to compete with the dark temple of the remaining forces?

At that time, his dark temple can also become a big boss!

As soon as he thought of this, Hei Tian, ​​the **** son of the dark temple, became more and more sure of his mind to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

"Dark Temple cultivators, retreat with me! Free up the battlefield for them, don't get in the way!"

Heitian, the **** son of the dark temple, said as he hurried back, the smile on his face looked very real.

Seeing the so-called allies leave one by one, the face of Tai Shuqiong, the **** of the Temple of Light Alliance, became more and more dark.

At this moment, only King Chunyang’s Jiuge King is left beside him...

This is also very supportive of his existence from the beginning... They have established an extremely deep friendship...

"King of Jiuge, you may not abandon me, right, we are the most solid ally... I assure you, as long as you can help me kill Fang Fan, I will help you unify the entire ruins of the gods, then you will be The strongest king in this world!"

Uncle Qiong, the **** son of the Temple of Light Alliance, took a deep breath, with a look of expectation on his face.

"Ha ha……"

"The same thing, the uncle **** son has already spoken to King Chilian just now."

"It seems that King Chilian is right, you have never been sincere..."

"In that case, why should I cater to you..."

"God's fruit king also wants to fight..."

"By then, if this king eats the fruit of the gods, he may be able to step out of the world and become the supreme true god!"

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