"Master, more than 170 holy-level cards were seized, most of which were holy-level promotion cards, food cards, and blank cards..."

"Thousands of approved holy-level cards were seized... and tens of thousands of star cores were seized..."

"A total of more than 5,000 academic tokens have been seized..."

Galen delivered all the relevant gains. This wave of battles will undoubtedly earn blood!

Fang Fan only spent a little blood, but it caused so many monsters to gather.

This is less than half an hour, and the harvest is more than ten times that of the original whole day!

The corners of Fang Fan's mouth slightly raised, and at this speed to attract the monsters, it might not be long before the monsters around the entire Guangming Mountain Range will be swept away!

According to this strategy, Fang Fan fully acted as a blood bull, madly attracting the surrounding monsters to come and hug...

Everything is walking at an exciting pace.

Of course, in this process, it is not without some iron-headed children rushing over to pick peaches, and want to **** academic tokens.

Especially after seeing the monster corpses all over the floor, the irritability in my heart seemed to become more and more excited...

In general, simply don't be too realistic!

Of course, Fang Fan has only one attitude towards these self-defeating guys, that is, whoever dares to die, Fang Fan will let them go to hell!

By the third day, Fang Fan’s academic tokens had already accumulated to nearly 100,000...

I can only say that a good harvest!

Fang Fan led the major armies to rush forward, and the practitioners of Zhengyi Shenzong followed behind.

If there were some discordant voices in the Zhengyi Shenzong at the beginning, now it is completely admired!

Fang Fan's existence made them feel shocked from the bottom of their hearts, and inexplicably produced some sense of horror.

Fang Fan's crazy behavior of attracting monsters and killing monsters naturally reduced the number of monsters around the entire Guangming Mountain Range to some extent.

It was harder to find the traces of monster beasts, but now that everything has been wiped out, the difficulty in finding monster beasts has suddenly increased!

A series of complaints prevailed all over the Guangming Mountains!

The top first-class force of the first-class sky sanctuary Fanhai Palace...

"Grass... I've been looking for it for hours, and I haven't even seen a monster beast boy. That's it, what are you doing here?"

"You won't necessarily be able to get a college token if you find a monster beast, this assessment is too difficult!"

"Who did it?"

"Here is another large number of monster beast corpses!"

"It's not that there are no monsters in the co-author, but it was taken away by others?"

"Day... don't let me see this person, or I will destroy him!"


The first-class sky sanctuary's top positive first-rank force Tianlangjian Sect...

"We were attracted to this place just now, but the battle here is over..."

"These monsters have just been slaughtered for more than 20,000 monsters...We are late again!"

"If this continues, the entire beasts surrounding the Guangming Mountain Range will be killed. At that time, we will really have no chance..."

"Could it be the lunatics of the Fallen Sanctuary?"


First-class Celestial Sanctuary's top Zhengyi Rank Power Heaven and Earth Hall...

"Who is it that shot in secret!"

"My Heaven and Earth Hall has made mistakes many times..."

"This time my Heaven and Earth Hall must get at least three hundred Inner Palace students!"


First-class Light Alliance Temple...

"Damn it! This **** son has only obtained less than a thousand academic tokens so far!"

"This son of God must take the lead!"

"Who is against me, I abolished him!"

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