Fang Fan said that the roundabout strategy naturally succeeded!

Ying Yue, the young master of the Tianshen Temple, immediately made plans...

Fang Fan’s words emphasized the ‘third-class Qingtian Sanctuary’! He also emphasized that he is very weak, which is actually reminding everyone that he is an existence from a third-class sanctuary, and there is no need to do too much research on me...

At this moment, the posture is shown here, and it is no longer possible to extricate itself!

"Ha ha!"

"A domestic slave is a domestic slave!"

"I didn't dare to admit it after doing something!"

"You still want to find someone to blame?"

"Can you find a better excuse?"

"They are a third-class sanctuary! Can you kill a one-star sanctuary cultivator in my heavenly temple so quietly?"

"Absurd! Absolutely absurd!"

"Zhao Xie! If you are afraid, surrender!"

"Young Master Ben can let you be the son of my Celestial Temple, how about?"

The young master of the Tianshen Temple, Ying Yue, held his head high and laughed wildly!

While talking, the smile on his face was undoubtedly revealed!



"I... I... vertical!"

Zhao Xie, the soul clan leader, took a deep breath, his complexion changed gradually...


At this moment, another bullet was shot out, and a one-star sanctuary cultivator was killed in seconds by Ying Yue, the young master of the Heavenly Temple...

The scene looked terrified at one time!

"Zhao Xie!"

"You are so bold!"

"Unexpectedly... actually beheaded the elite of my heavenly temple one after another!"


"All the cultivators of the Celestial Temple, if this hatred is not reported, how can they return?"

"Kill Zhao Xie!"


The Young Master of the Temple of Heaven gave an order and immediately launched a full charge!

Facing the sudden assault, the Soul Race was obviously not prepared.

And they didn’t even plan to start a large-scale battle...

And in their opinion, this matter is also their fault first...

At this moment, this situation is gradually on the verge of collapse!

The 30,000 soul race cultivators were crushed and beaten by the 20,000 Heavenly Temple cultivators...

In an instant, countless casualties!

This scene still looks quite interesting.

A smile appeared at the corner of Fang Fan's mouth, his face smiled as before...

He likes this picture.

Let them bite the dog and watch the play on the sidelines. This is also an excellent experience!

Fang Fan took out a recliner from the storage ring, and lay on it leisurely, Ba Shi was very good!

Xiao Liuli leaned down and massaged Fang Fan gently...

From time to time, I would put my delicate little hands on Fang Fan’s face...

Fang Fan took out some monster beast meat and let Galen catch fire on the spot, preparing to eat a wave of barbecue...

Anyway, looking at the scene of the battle in front of me, there is not a tens of minutes that may not be over.


Outside the assessment...

A kind of audience who saw this scene through the wheel mirror of the law circle, each stunned...

Especially the soul clan elder soul light, the surprise smile on his face was replaced by strong anger...

Through the wheel mirror of the law formation, he could see clearly. This was clearly Fang Fan's hand, beheading the cultivator of the Heavenly God Temple, but all this was counted on their soul race!

Now that the soul race examiner was suddenly attacked, countless dead and wounded at this moment!

Following this trend, it is very likely that the vitality will be greatly injured!

"Tian Shen Temple Ying Zhao enshrines!"

"Your heavenly temple deceives people too much!"

"This is not our soul race at all!"

"Your Heavenly God Temple is so indiscriminately directly attacking my soul race examiner!"

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