The guy in the third-class Qingtian Sanctuary in front of him gave him a sense of panic from the heart.

Keep staying here, he will die, he will die without a place to be buried!

How to choose in the face of death is very clear!

Thousands of Examiners remaining in the Soul Race are just talking loudly, but if they really wait until they bear it, they will actually be scared!

Especially at this time, what do they bear? Every minute is a cool situation!

As the soul race withdrew from this battlefield, there were only Fang Fan's people and more than 10,000 people from the Heavenly Temple!

Before they attacked the soul race together, now that the common enemy of the soul race has disappeared, naturally they need to oppose each other!

The scene seemed a bit scary to a certain extent...

"Collect academic tokens on the ground!"

"Huangfu Goddess, it's time for you to play!"

Fang Fan waved his hand, then said with a smile, his eyes scanned around, the smile on his face was vivid!

The five hundred people of the Zhengyi Shenzong were completely reduced to the battlefield at this moment.

Zhengyi Shenzong's third peak goddess Fu Xuewei shrugged, and she was happy to see such a position.

In fact, being able to clean the battlefield on this level of battlefield is also an extremely lucky thing!

Zhengyi Shenzong Third Peak God Empress Fu Xuewei thought this way, and the smile on her face couldn't help but increase.

"Huangfu Goddess..."

"Opportunity is here..."

"We are the One God Sect and can't continue to quarrel with Fang Fan this lunatic..."

"Now he has become the common enemy of all forces! He is bound to die... If we continue to follow him, it won't be much better!"

"Now there are thousands of college tokens on the ground, plus the ones we have accumulated from time to time, we are almost tens of thousands of college tokens on our hands..."

"Let's post it! Really post it!"

"With these academic tokens, we are a Shenzong, don't mention a few students from the outer palace, even if it is a few students from the inner palace, it is not a problem!"

"We are now leaving with these college tokens...this is the only opportunity like this!"

Zhengyi Shenzong's first peak **** son Shamantu swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and while talking, his body twitched unnaturally, various thoughts flickered in his mind, and the excitement in his eyes was beyond words.

There are indeed few who are not tempted in the face of interests.

"These college tokens belong to Director Fang Fan!"

"We just keep it for him!"

"This college token was obtained by Director Fang Fan's painstaking efforts to kill the enemy. We are just a sweeping battlefield. These college tokens have nothing to do with us!"

"Samanto, I hope this is the last time you say such things. It doesn't matter if you die, but don't drag our entire cultivators of the True One God Sect together!"

"Didn't you see the power of Director Fang Fan? You dare to be greedy for his academic token, you are really looking for death!"

Zhengyi Shenzong's third peak goddess Fu Xue glanced at the Shamantuo in front of her, her eyes gradually becoming cold.

Some people have these whimsical ideas.

How stupid it is to discover in the end!

How strong is Fang Fan's combat power? Even the First Grade Force Soul Race examiner in the Celestial Sanctuary will be wiped out...

They are a Shenzong, what counts?

Huangfu Xuewei still has this reason.

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