"Does the goddess Huangfu have any comments on the results of this treatment?"

Fang Fan looked at Huangfu Xuewei on the side and asked immediately.

For Zhengyi Shenzong, he felt it was a pure employment relationship.

Zhengyi Shenzong's third peak goddess Fu Xuewei gave Fang Fan 500 million star cores at the beginning, so Fang Fan was going to take them for a wave, and then at the end of the assessment, the number of students from the outside palace of the Yi Shenzong was divided. That's it.

In addition, Zhengyi Shenzong has been very dedicated to cleaning the battlefield, and Fang Fan will naturally not treat them badly.

It's just that there are always some brain-dead people in Zhengyi Shenzong. Since they have to come out and do things, then Fang Fan naturally can't stand it!

When it's time to erupt, it still has to erupt!

Otherwise, do you really treat him as a soft persimmon?

Huangfu Xuewei watched that they were instantly wiped out of the 400 cultivators of the One God Sect, with a somewhat sad look on his face, but it was just sadness. As for anger and hatred, there was nothing.

On the one hand, there is indeed no qualification, on the other hand, from the perspective of Huangfu Xuewei, she also feels that these people are seeking their own death...

Take responsibility for your own path.

"Director Fang Fan, you have done your best to us Zhengyi Shenzong!"

"This time they are looking for death on their own. It has nothing to do with you."

Huangfuxue took a deep breath, and while talking, she shook her head silently. Various thoughts gathered in her eyes, and her feelings suddenly became profound.

"You can think so, it's good."

"It seems that I did not misunderstand you."

Fang Fan nodded secretly, he was very satisfied with Huangfu Xuewei's attitude.

"Director Fang Fan, if something like this has happened, our Zhengyi Shenzong cultivators have no face to continue following you..."

"You take the tokens from these institutions, and I will leave with the practitioners of Zhengyi Shenzong."

Huangfuxue took a deep breath and said firmly.

What you do, naturally, you have to bear it yourself.

This matter is indeed the unrighteousness of Zhengyi Shenzong first.

"no need."

"Stay here, and you will clean the battlefield later!"

"I can promise you that as long as you don't kill yourself, each of you will be able to enter the Guangming Academy when the assessment is over!"

"My rules are very simple. Those who follow me prosper and those who oppose me die!"

Fang Fan's gaze scanned the cultivator of the Hundred Zhengyi Divine Sect in front of him, and then he strode away...

At this moment, the more than 10,000 cultivators in the Temple of Heaven had completely set off the momentum of attack.

Looking at Fang Fan's back, Huangfu Xuewei couldn't help muttering to herself, wanting to say something, but all kinds of words were completely blocked in her throat again, and she couldn't say anything.


"Fang Fan! Nice job!"

"The soul race is finally destroyed!"

"There is a credit for you too!"

"Now you all surrender! Give all the academic tokens to Ben Shao, and you will follow Ben Shao in the future! Follow Ben Shao to eat spicy food!"

The Young Master Ying of the Tianshen Temple licked his lips, and while talking, he strode forward, her eyes flickering sharply, and the color of greed was not concealed.

This guy showed his attitude too fast...

As soon as the front foot arrived, the back foot couldn't help but yell.

Fang Fan sneered. It's better to save him from wasting time. Now he needs to end the battle here earlier. The next battle is still waiting for him...

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