Of course, not many people are paying attention to them now. At this moment, everyone's eyes are on the new round of war...

From the wheel mirror of the magic circle, we can clearly see that the cultivator army of the top 1st grade power of the heavenly sanctuary, the Fanhai Palace, is about to follow...

And for the time being, no other great power cultivators have been found in the surrounding area. In other words, Fanhai Palace will conduct one-to-one pk with Fang Fan's third-class Qingtian Sanctuary!

"Previously, this big boss Fang Fan killed the 1st-Rank Force Spirit Race and the Heavenly God Temple one after another. Now if he wants to kill this Celestial Sanctuary, it shouldn't be a big deal, right?"

"Vatican Sea Palace is one of the three top-ranking powers of the Celestial Sanctuary, so naturally they can't talk about it...there is still a big gap...Anyway, it's necessary to stay at the beginning..."

"What do you mean... The Van Sea Palace will win? His... Then the Van Sea Palace will be able to get 110,000 academic tokens at a time, plus the academic tokens they have in their hands... I God, this is a rhythm that will completely go against the sky!"

"Who said no! Anyway, this is so exciting..."

"Is it really going to change?"

"The Fang Fan boss is indeed very strong, and the guards under his command are even more powerful, but... but after all, there are only a few hundred troops, and this time the Fanhai Palace has gathered 50,000 horses..."

"Hey! There is already a bookmaker over there that has opened a market for this battle, betting on Fanhai Palace to win, one loses 1.1... betting on Fang Fan wins, one loses ten! A draw loses 1.2 for one!"

"Wipe... one pays ten? It's a big tone! These dealers are very aggressive, it seems that the situation is really bad!"

"Tsk...who said no! I knew it must be tricky!"

"Take it...really convinced!"


On the assessment field outside the Guangming Mountain Range, there are endless battles and blood and blood, but outside the assessment field, there are actually many lively things to see.

Through the wheel mirror of the law formation, the assessment of the battle scene can be clearly displayed, and then a wave of disputes will be triggered...

After all, every force has an audience outside...

The major forces will naturally not let go of such a good opportunity to accumulate money. Forces with a little aptitude and capital will open a handicap on the sidelines and prepare to make a fortune.

Probably the content of the opening is who can become the first in the assessment, or, when the final assessment is over, whether the number of academic tokens owned by the tenth place is more than 5,000 or less than 5,000...

For example, at this time, you can open the battle between Qingtian Sanctuary, where Fang Fan is located, and the top 1st-grade power in the Sky Sanctuary, Fanhai Palace...

At the same time, the relevant odds will be hung on it.

Fanhai Palace Handicap...

"I'm pressing Fang Fansheng, the tens of billions star core!"

A cold female voice came, and I saw a masked woman standing before the handicap of the Fanhai Palace.

Although she can't see her face clearly, she can recognize the beauty of this woman by looking at her figure!

"You...what did you say?"

"Ten billion star core?"

"Is what you said true?"


At the handicap opened by the Fanhai Palace, the practitioner in charge of the handicap in the Fanhai Palace subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva. While talking, his body shook unnaturally, and the look of horror in his eyes was vividly displayed!

In any case, I dare not imagine that all this is true! It is too dreamy!

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