Naturally, he is not clear about these Fang Fan. At this moment, he is fully engaged in the upcoming battle...

He has roughly estimated that with the 110,000 college tokens in his hand, it is not a problem to keep the top ten people who are his own, but he wants to occupy the top 100 in the assessment and get the top of the Guangming Academy assessment. A hundred great rewards, he still lacks somehow!

After all, currently on the top of the ranking of academic tokens, the hundredth place also has more than 500 academic tokens.

And this number is still slowly increasing...

"Continue to fight for another wave..."

"Resolved all those examiners. In addition to getting a large number of academic tokens, it is more important to be able to directly eliminate more examiners, making the whole evaluation clearer..."

"Now is the third day of the assessment... There are seven days for the assessment, and there is a long way to go!"

Fang Fan stretched his waist, with a bored expression on his face.

From his perspective, I only feel that these things are dispensable.

The current situation is already doomed to a certain extent!

"My lord, I have found out clearly. The cultivators of the top 1st grade power Fanhai Palace in the heavenly sanctuary will be coming soon, the number is 50,000..."

"Among them, there are hundreds of examiners in the sanctuary realm, and the number of the examiners of the highest quasi-sage quasi-sage realm is unknown..."

"This is a hard stubble..."

Satan licked his lips and spoke with excitement on his face. At this moment, he folded his hands together, and the sound of inhalation increased more and more. The black wings behind him fluttered and fluttered, and his eyes were sharp. The flashing keeps on, and now I am very excited.

"Hard stubble?"

"Are you scared?"

Fang Fan glanced at Satan and said with a chuckle.


"how is this possible!"

"Master! Be sure to let me be the vanguard later! I will kill a wave of cultivators in the Brahma Sea Palace first, and then you will lead the army!"

Satan rubbed his hands, an expression of excitement appeared on his face.

Satan, born as a demon, has an indescribable obsession with blood and battle...

"Okay, let's go down first, and prepare the Abyss Demon King Legion. It will be a tough battle later! You will fight it!"

Fang Fan took a deep breath, and his eyes flickered as he spoke.

While the war was still on, Fang Fan began to check the gains from the previous battle.

In the previous battle, there were tens of thousands of enemy cultivators killed by Fang Fan's nine legions and six heroes, and the number of star cores collected alone was millions!

As for the dropped cards of various levels, I don’t know how many...

Now that Fang Fan's eyes can be seen, naturally only some cards of the sanctuary level and above.

"Holy-level imperial life card: After using it, you can directly issue an imperial order to control a cultivator below the five-star sanctuary level for three minutes!"

"Holy Class Thunderbolt Card: After using it, you can directly summon a 100m*100m Thunderbolt, and the Thunderbolt can release a one-star sanctuary-level to five-star sanctuary-agent sky thunder for ten minutes!"

"Holy Strength Card: After use, it can improve the toughness of the limbs."


There are about a hundred holy-level cards harvested in the previous battle, but most of them are some holy-level food cards and holy-level blank cards. Only these three are the most rare!

Fang Fan thought silently, with these cards, the next battle would be much easier.

Like the god-level system, the strongest card supplier in the last days, please collect: ( The god-level system, the strongest card supplier in the last days, has the fastest literary update.

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