Accompanied by the tens of thousands of quasi-sanctuary skeleton soldiers are twelve 30cm machine guns...

With these skeleton soldiers as a barrier, you can achieve all-round defense to a certain extent. At this moment, after the battle has completely erupted, it naturally seems to complement each other!

Almost every second, dozens of 30cm machine artillery shells fell, falling among the crowd of practitioners in the Vatican Sea Palace, causing waves of casualties.

In fact, the casualties caused are trivial, and even more critical is to destroy the enemy's military spirit!

"This... shouldn't these be the star nuclear guns on the flying battleship? How come they appear here!"

"Ahhhhh! We pass through the skeletons now before we can fight the artillery. Can we only be passively beaten now?"

"It's too hard! It's so hard! It's a hammer! It's a cool situation at every turn!"

"Stick to stay in full...There is still hope, hope is right in front of us, we must...we must not miss it!"

"Didn't it mean that we are dealing with a third-class sanctuary cultivator? The third-class sanctuary can summon so many skeleton soldiers? Can the star-core gun be brought in?"

"Hey...Are we being pitted? Brothers suffered heavy casualties! I thought about picking up cheap ones, but now it's not bad. I didn't find the cheap ones, so I just drank it!"

"Now we simply can't hold up such a sluggish attack!"

"Now that we haven't even touched other people's hair, we have damaged so much..."


The grievances gradually spread among the cultivators in the Fanhai Palace.

Although their casualties were no more than two or three thousand at this moment, the fighting will really wasn't that strong anymore.

They are all ready to fight downwind, and now they are told that it is a hard bone?

This hard bone is really not good at all!

Anyway, grabbing the Academy token has nothing to do with ordinary cultivators like them...

Basically, the elite students of the Fanhai Palace snatched most of the academic tokens, and then more elite students from the Fanhai Palace could have the quota of inner government students.

As for ordinary cultivators like them, there is a high probability that they will release a few places for students from outside the palace, and then they will fight for the ground and bloodshed...

See it through!

The benefits are not enough to make them follow the explosion!

This seems too real!

Fan Ming's brows suddenly frowned in the Palace of Fanhai Palace...

Seeing the messed up battle in front of him, he naturally felt particularly unhappy.

This is obviously making him happy!

This group of **** don't go all out at all!

Otherwise, the group of skeletons in front of you would have been cleaned up!

"Pass the order of the palace!"

"Slay the Fangfan in the Skyscraper Sanctuary, reward 10,000 academic tokens! One billion star cores!"

"Slay the ordinary cultivator in the Sky High Sanctuary, one head, one hundred academic tokens, and one million star core rewards!"

"My palace does what it says!"

"In other words, as long as you can get the head of a cultivator in Qingtian Sanctuary, you are basically destined to be able to get the first 16,000 people in the academic token auction!"

"You should know what I mean by this! I hope you should also know a little bit in your heart!"

"This battle! Endless!"

"This is fighting for my Brahma Sea Palace! It is also fighting for yourselves!"

"You are willing to slay the cultivators of Qingtian Sanctuary together with this palace, and seize the token of the Academy! Become the supreme pride of the Guangming Academy?"

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