No matter how much rhetoric was said before, when facing death at this moment, there is only fear and anxiety!

The eyes widened subconsciously, and then they retreated subconsciously. The panic in his heart gradually made the expression on his face become hideous!

At this moment is the real fear consciously.

"If this goes on, I will die!"

"These rebellious, they are determined to ask me to die..."

"It fell short!"

"Unexpectedly, I would lose to this group of pigs and dogs inferior **** in the end!"

"Sad! Sigh!"

"I should have a good future! But now there is nothing... all gone!"


"But I can't die..."

"Never die!"

"Say a thousand words and ten thousand, on this road, I must uphold my composure!"


"As long as I am alive, there is hope!"

"It doesn't have to be this way to enter the Guangming Academy. With the face of my Fanhai Palace, it's not impossible to walk through the back door..."

"Although this time I let the army of the assessors of the Fanhai Palace lose their troops, but... but I am the blood of the demigod ancestors after all, and the elders in the Fanhai Palace should not kill me..."

"As long as I get out alive, there is hope for wireless!"

Vatican Palace Palace of Vatican Palace made fists with both hands, as he thought in his heart, various thoughts suddenly exploded in his mind, and the sound of inhalation gradually became particularly real.

The appearance of swallowing saliva was displayed, showing the stupidity in my heart!

Fanhai Palace Gongzi Fanming held the distress order, and his face showed resolute determination!

Immediately, Brahma raised this distress order exclusively for him above his head...

"How unfair is God!"

"Non-war crime!"

"Non-war crime!"

"My Brahman generation, the arrogant, has fallen to this point!"

"I'm only evacuating today. I will be long in Japan, and I will definitely get back in revenge!"

"It was really helpless to crush the distress order in my hand..."



The nonsense of Brahma in the Palace of Vatican Sea Palace continues to increase.

It seems that many rituals are needed to crush an exclusive distress order.

The sense of ritual is very real!

"Too wordy..."


"A shot in his arm..."

"Didn't he want to crush this distress order?"

"Then satisfy his wish."

Fang Fan lay on the recliner, tilted Erlang's legs, and said softly.


When the gunfire sounded, Caitlin just lightly shot a bullet...

The bullet spun rapidly in the air, and then landed on this Brahman’s arm accurately...


There was a slight bone-breaking sound, the bullet did not penetrate into the Brahman's arm of the Palace of Brahma Sea Palace, only slightly scratched the skin outside, and then fell.

Caitlin is a three-star sanctuary, and Brahma is a four-star sanctuary, and there is a level gap between them, which is inevitable.

But this shot was enough to make this Palace of Brahma Palace suffer from the life...


Brahma screamed, and then the distress order in his hand fell directly...


Kyle, who was already ready, swooped on the angel wings, then suddenly sank, holding this exclusive distress order, and then returned again...

Everything happens between several breaths.

The Brahma hadn't even had time to think about it, and all this had happened.

He just sincerely wanted to crush the distress order, just because of his face, he wanted to explain himself...

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