Outside the assessment.

"Shameless! Despicable! Indecent!"

"How can you do this!"

"The assessment is unfair!"

"Deputy Palace Master, I propose to eliminate this Fang Fan as soon as possible. He is really shameless! It is the biggest insult to Guangming Academy to let such a person pass the examination of Guangming Academy!"

The deputy master of the Vatican Sea Palace, Vatican-Hungary, gritted his teeth and spoke, apparently still wanting to continue doing things.

But it seems that no one cares about him.

Maybe you think this guy is just a fool...

"The assessment rules should not be trampled on!"

"You talk too much."

"No more noise, please leave here."

Xue Wanren, deputy chief of Guangming Academy, showed disgust on his face.

Anyway, he is also the deputy palace master of the top 1st grade power Fanhai Palace. Is this mouth so broken?

Quirky and crooked, how can there be any demeanor of being a powerful saint?

Xue Wanren, the deputy chief of Guangming Academy, looked at the wheel mirror of the law circle, especially when he saw Fang Fan's casual and calm look, he smiled subconsciously.

This little guy is kind of interesting.

The assessment that was originally withered is now full of highlights.

Murong Yu who was on the side also breathed a sigh of relief silently, and his nervous heart also fell. He was too nervous just now, and he forgot that Fang Fan still had this trump card in his hand.

Now Fang Fan is holding Brahman's exclusive distress order, once it is crushed, Brahman will only leave the assessment field with regret, and then be eliminated according to the rules!

As for Fang Fan's behavior, he never violated any laws!

Everything is within the scope permitted by laws and regulations!

The mood of the crowd on the Xuefu Square reversed again.

Originally excited again and again followed down and frustrated, howling ghosts.

The moment when I started to complain about the heavens and the people is a sudden surprise...

Most of them have bet on this battle...

Either Yafangfan can win the final battle, or Yazi Fanhai Palace can completely crush everything!

And their mood has also changed several times!

After experiencing these ups and downs in a short time, they feel that their hearts are about to explode!

There are even some cultivators with poor psychological quality, and they just collapsed on the ground and convulsed!


In the assessment field, Fang Fan sat firmly on the Diaoyutai.

Now he takes the initiative.

The Palace of the Brahma Sea Palace, Brahma, naturally did not dare to change;

Of course, Fang Fan didn't even think about crushing this Brahma's exclusive distress order. To a certain extent, he simply wanted to use this opportunity to improve his interests.

Bai Piao, who was going to run wild with his legs on the side, also stopped with a smile on his face. He felt like he was doing it again!

"Boy Fang Fan, look at you, since you are holding this trump card in your hand, it is not too early to say!"

"It made me worry about you for a while!"

"No wonder he doesn't look worried, it turned out to be like this!"

"Hey... you are making me mentality!"

"But it's all right now, we have a chance to win..."

"Hurry up and crush this distress order. After three seconds, this Brahma will be gone..."

"You give me these three seconds, even if I die, I will block you!"

"Not just three seconds! Fear of a hammer!"

"Come on! Just say hello to me!"

Bai Piao slapped his chest with a bang, and while talking, the arrogant expression on his face was beyond words.

Compared to defense, he really hasn't lost.

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