In addition, the one hundred thousand college tokens in Fang Fan's hand are so fragrant!

After this Brahma Palace Palace had finished speaking, the surrounding area sighed...

This is...

Of course, there are also some people with torch-sightedness, they can see in minutes, this is a trap!

"Fang Fan... Fang Fan kid, anyway, this time you have to listen to me..."

"Give me the Brahma Academy token... give it to me quickly!"

"When you deceive the academic token and storage ring in his hand, I will directly crush the academic token!"

"This kind of once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, don't...don't miss it again!"

"We don't have many opportunities to be wasted!"

Bai Piao took a deep breath, and then said sincerely.

Obviously he has taken care of this matter.

There must be a final conclusion on how the situation should develop.

"Don't worry, it's okay, don't be so nervous."

"Brother Bai Piao is the number one divine envoy in the sky and the earth, and he doesn't even care about the true god. Why care about a demigod bloodline awakener!"

"Brother Bai Piao, in my heart, you have always been invincible!"

Fang Fan was talking, and then he followed all the way.

While talking, he nodded and expressed relevant attitudes.

Bai Piao wanted to say something, but he was directly stuck.

Before Bai Piao could respond, Fang Fan had already strode out.

He is confident enough to stabilize the audience

Self-confidence explodes, as for other things, there is no need to think too much.

"Brahma Palace, it would be great if you think so."

"For the sake of your sincerity, I will give you a true piece of advice."

"Take your exclusive distress order later and leave, don't...don't think of resisting, because next is the trap I set up, and you don't fall into it."

As Fang Fan was talking, he nodded with approval and said, these are the most sincere words from the heart.

With all of this, all attitudes have been vividly revealed!

"I... how could I..."

"Your Excellency Fang Fan, don't worry, my mouth is the strictest. I have all the things you explained in my heart..."

"Here...this storage ring and academic token are given to you, are you..."

Vatican Palace, Gongzi Fanming took a deep breath, his teeth trembling frantically.

Opportunity... Opportunity is here!

He... he can't control it anymore!

At this moment, his throat was frantically surging, his complexion turned red from time to time, and the excitement in his heart was full of vividness!

"of course."

"I have always been very trustworthy..."

"But I'm thinking about one thing..."

"I gave you this exclusive distress order, did it save you or hurt you..."

"If you don't have an exclusive distress order, you naturally dare not attack me, because I can directly kill you at any time..."

"But if there is this exclusive distress order, it will be different..."

"You will be like a wild horse running off the rein. If you attack me at that time, I will kill you again..."

"Tsk... this is another living life!"

"What do you mean? Brahma Palace!"

As Fang Fan was talking, he immediately played with the exclusive distress order in his hand, with bursts of cold expression on his face.

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