"I... my distress order..."

"Fang Fan...Fang Fan what are you doing..."

Fanhai Palace Gongzi Fanming's heart trembled, and then took a deep breath, looking nervously at the exclusive distress order in the sky.

If so... if this exclusive distress order landed, falling in such a high altitude, the crazy impact was enough to smash the exclusive distress order, at that time, he could only leave the examination field...

Just when the Vatican Palace's mind and body were trembling, Fang Fan suddenly rose into the sky, and then held the exclusive distress order in the sky indifferently, his eyes clear and indifferent.

From beginning to end, he never showed the slightest panic.



Brahma wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and stood there endlessly.

Too...too exciting!

At this moment, physically and mentally exhausted, the whole person feels no longer his own.

It is simply a battle of life and death!

"What does Brahma Palace do so nervously?"

"Since I said I want to give it to you, I will naturally give it to you."

"Wiping sweat."

Fang Fan delivered a piece of tissue, and Brahma took it subconsciously. At this time, Fang Fan delivered the distress order again, then let go, and the distress order sank slowly...

In fact, at this height, it will not happen if the distress order is dropped, but at this moment, the Vatican Palace is panicked like a dog in the mourning family, and is afraid of stimulation, and the sense of panic in his heart gradually increases!

He lay on the ground frantically, and then he held the exclusive distress order tightly in his hand, and his whole body was already saturated with sweat.

"Caught, really caught..."


"My exclusive distress order is back!"

"Fang Fan! Fang Fan! How stupid you are!"

"You are destined to pay for your arrogance!"

"If I were you, I would have crushed this exclusive distress order, so there would be no risk!"

"In this way, you can take a hundred thousand college tokens and look over the entire examination field!"

"But it's different now, you have a wrong step, a wrong step!"

"It will be your death date soon!"

"What you will face will be a dead end!"

"I have awakened the blood of a demigod!"

"It is absolutely impossible for a hillbilly like you to know the power of the blood of a demigod!"

"All the academic tokens on you are mine! All are mine!"

At this moment, the Vatican Palace of Vatican Palace was disheveled, and while speaking, his lips trembled unnaturally, and the sound of inhalation gradually became particularly strong. With his hands folded in front of him, his lips trembled unnaturally with craziness. Ideas are also gradually erupting!

He feels like he owns the whole world.


"I reminded you, exchange your storage ring and academic token for an exclusive distress order and leave as soon as possible, but you have to find it uncomfortable..."

"What you are practicing is a dead end..."

As Fang Fan was talking, he nodded silently, and the smile on his face grew more and more.

Being able to solve this Brahma in the assessment arena is also considered once and for all.


"Really ridiculous!"

"You actually said this in front of a peerless Tianjiao who has awakened the blood of a demigod?"

"I swear! It's not just you, everyone in the Sanctuary of Sky can't escape!"

"All have to die!"

"My Brahma, I will kill you all!"

"Half-God Bloodline! Outburst!"

The Palace of the Vatican Sea Palace gave a roar, and the blood of the demigod who had been quieting down continued to explode!

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