Fang Fan waved and said with a smile.

This is the end of the matter, how to deal with the matter, there should always be a charter.

At this point, that's all.


"Who said I don't want to go anymore?"

"I just... just ask!"

"I have never been interested in star nuclei or anything!"

"I mainly want to make a contribution to our collective!"

"These are what I should do!"

"Everyone wait, I'll come as soon as I go!"

Bai Piao held his head high, and then came to the entrance of the ninth floor of the Tower of the Academy.

At this moment, Bai Piao had just appeared, and everyone underneath began to swear wildly...

"You gods, what are you doing to drive us all down? The above can obviously accommodate five hundred people! Now that we are all driven down, the quota is wasted!"

"That's it! What do you mean! Can you not be so shameless!"

"Shameless you!"

"I think they are clearly afraid that the instructors of the God of War Academy will meet our elites and abandon them, so they hurriedly drove us away, so that they are the only ones in the ninth floor. The mentors of the God of War Academy can only choose apprentices from them..."

"Hs...there is this kind of mind? Too despicable? How could it be like this? Accusation! Must accuse!"

"Ahhhhh... I can't take it anymore! I can't take it anymore!"

"That's it? Shameless! Obscene!"

"If we have the ability, we will fight to the death!"

"Zhan Zhan Zhan! We are absolutely worthy!"

"Do you have the guts? Come down!"


With endless roars, Bai Piao suddenly felt that his ears were about to be deafened. The feeling of deafening was too real.

"Shut up to labor and management!"

"What is it called!"

"A group of defeated generals!"

"Tell you, there are still 250 places on the ninth floor..."

"In order to demonstrate the preciousness of the ninth floor position, and to respond to the university's call for enrollment, I am here to express my sincerest greetings on behalf of Fang Fan!"

"Fang Fan said, as long as you put out 100 million inferior star core sponsorship fees, you can come up alone..."

"There are only two hundred and fifty places, first come first served!"

"Now it depends on your speed!"

"Fang Fan said, this is also to give you back, to give you a hope, and to keep you from wanting to join the War God Academy!"

"And so that you can cherish this opportunity to choose a mentor!"

"This is what Fang Fan said, I'm just a messenger!"

Bai Piao barked his teeth and roared in a wave of claws. Anyway, he understood the meaning, but Fang Fan and Fang Fan on the left looked completely outside the incident.

This means that Fang Fan is looking for the star core you asked for. It has nothing to do with me. If you get revenge, go to Fang Fan...

Fang Fan's mouth twitched, Bai Piao is now getting more and more aggressive...

As Bai Piao finished speaking, the students on the ninth floor fry the pot instantly!

One billion!

A quota of 100 million!


"Is it crazy to think about the star core? A hundred million lower-grade star core, what's wrong?"

"Damn... so counting, two hundred and fifty places, worth 25 billion inferior star cores? Isn't this wealth earning too cool?"

"Shameless! Indecent! Treacherous!"

"This is a profiteer!"

"Does the academic institution care? That's it? Does it matter?"

"Protest! Protest all!"

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