Fu Jing, Dean of the Priesthood Academy, felt that she should be more careful...

Don't bring justice back when the time comes, but fold yourself in.

"What I said is wrong?"

"Although the students trained by the War God Academy are not as good as each class now, it is still okay to slap the students of your Theological Academy?"

"Day by day, I just want to pray for the gods of light to grant you divine graces and promote you..."

"It's all into something!"

"If you want to be promoted, don't you know how to promote yourself?"

"Everyone is afraid of death and dare not fight. What is the use of cultivating such waste? Is the vase used for exhibition?"

Uncle Tai, the special tutor of the God of War Academy, screamed, completely crushing everything and slamming all dissatisfaction.

Who dares to be squeaky and crooked? At this moment, everyone looked at each other, and no one dared to say a word.

After all, their status and status are all there.

"Deputy...Deputy Palace Master, you don't care about this after all!"

"Whirring whirring……"

"What kind of person is this!"

"Just like him, how about a teacher?"

"Also, that Fang Fan openly practiced hilltopism in the tower of the academy and deliberately suppressed other academies, don't you just leave it alone?"

"Where is the majesty of my Guangming Academy?"

"I think students like Fang Fan should be expelled directly! Can't tell him any reason!"

"You dare to do anything wrong with your own talent?"

"It won't turn the sky in the future?"

"Anyway, this kind of students is absolutely impossible to accept at the Theological Academy!"

Fu Jing, the dean of the priesthood academy, deliberately belittled her, and the scene once seemed extremely fierce.

"When is it your turn to take care of the affairs of my War Seminary?"

"What's Fang Fan's disposal? What are you trying to do?"

"Is it related to you?"

"Also, it is impossible for your theological academy to accept Xianfan, face? Can you ask for a face? When did Fang Fan say he wants to go to your theological academy?"

"Just you, the priest college, you can treat it as a treasure yourself!"

Tai Shujie, the special mentor of the God of War Academy, waved a big hand and continued to carry out the posture of anger and death.

"well said!"

"Teacher Taishu, this time I support you!"

"When I was in the War Seminary Academy, I wanted to get along with it? The more I have reached this level? Is my dean blind?"

Gao Song, Dean of the God of War Academy, gave a thumbs up and said firmly.

The scene seemed extremely chaotic for a time, and everyone spoke with each other, and the communication seemed extremely urgent.

Fu Jing, the dean of the priesthood academy, was stunned one after another, and her complexion could no longer be described as iron blue. She was already dark to the extreme right now...

"Vice Palace Lord!"

"You don't care!"

"If you don't expel such a student who violates order, the law of heaven will not tolerate!"

Fu Jing, the dean of the priesthood academy, gave a roar and directly pointed out her position.

"What are you doing so excited?"

"Don't make any noise..."

"What a big deal..."

Xue Wanren, the deputy chief of Guangming Academy, rubbed his forehead, which became more painful.

He knew that this kid wouldn't stop until he did something!

There was a hunch before, but now it seems that this hunch is really efficacious!

Right now, I feel my head buzzing...

I'm afraid it won't work anymore if you want to make peace, you have to come up with a plan.

After all, this is the matter of Guangming Academy, and his deputy palace master must do it in place.

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