Those high-level mentors are fine...

The mentors and dean on the ninth floor looked at Fang Fan as soon as they came in.

The first person to play was naturally the Dean of the God of War, Gao Song.

"Student Fang Fan, performance is good, let's not take it as an example!"

"There are not many rules in the God of War Academy, but there are still rules. If you really step into the God of War Academy, if you get into trouble, it will be my dean who is responsible for handling it, so you know what I mean?"

"If you are my disciple, I can still help restraint..."

Gao Song, the dean of the God of War Academy, was talking, and the smile on his face increased...

Why does this look a bit wretched?

In fact, the meaning of the dean of the God of War Academy has been very obvious...

Maybe it means you kid is not very troublesome? Entering the War God Academy, if you become my disciple and cause trouble, I, the dean, will cover you, so don't be afraid! But if you weren't my disciple, it might not be easy to solve if you cause trouble in the future.

Relying on the identity of the dean to win is also a means.


Sima Zhen and Wu Lang, the special tutors of the God of War Academy, said in unison.

Now I don’t care about what the dean is not the dean. It’s better to **** the disciple first...

"Fang Fan student, I don’t have any other skills, but I still have a set of teaching disciples. Hehe, you must have heard of my reputation. I can become a super instructor at the intermediate stage of the Holy Venerable realm. I think you know that too. What is the concept? If it weren’t for teaching disciples to have made some achievements, my cultivation base would be a first-level instructor...

"I said so much that you should be aware that choosing a mentor does not necessarily have to choose the strongest, but the most suitable one!"

"If you become my disciple, I dare not say anything else, but if you have any needs, I will be there as soon as possible!"

Wu Lang, the special mentor of the God of War Academy, patted his chest and said firmly.

This Wulang super instructor is indeed well-known, saying that he has a good temper and is a very qualified instructor...

Fang Fan nodded secretly, but he had already changed...

He just wants to paddle in the college. This kind of good-tempered tutor is indeed more suitable for him.

"Student Fang Fan, don't be fooled by them. In fact, they just say it nicely!"

"We don't play imaginary things. As my disciple, I have all your training resources!"

Sima Zhen, the special-level tutor of the God of War Academy, waved his hand and said sincerely, this is already showing his own posture, which is quite majestic...

This Simazhen Super Instructor looks like Yushu Linfeng, and his image is relatively decent, high-ranking Holy Venerable, and his cultivation level is not low...

"You have included his cultivation resources?"

"How about bragging and drafting?"

"Do you know how much resources it takes to cultivate a genius?"

"You know that the people living in the academy cherish so many resources every day?"

"And you, the dean, the most picky... can you bring out some dry goods?"

"Boy, my name is Tai Shujie, a special-level instructor at the God of War Academy, a high-ranking holy-sovereign realm, I have chosen you and become a disciple. I guarantee that you will be promoted to three major levels in a hundred years!"

Tai Shujie, the special tutor of the God of War Academy, waved his hand and said confidently.

Fang Fan is now an absolute quasi-sacred realm, and he has been promoted to three major levels, which means he will stretch to a three-star sanctuary within a hundred years.

Like the God-level system, the strongest card supplier in the last days, please collect: ( The god-level system, the strongest card supplier in the last days, has the fastest literary update.

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