Looking at Yan Xi's pitiful look, and seeing Lang Tianya's helpless expression of protecting the calf.

Fang Fan shrugged. Then he said, "Yan Xi, your brother is right. It's such a reason. You should find a master in swordsmanship by yourself...Teacher Taishu Jie's research in swordsmanship seems to be quite ordinary."

Fang Fan babbled casually.

"Who said this?"

"Who says I can't do swordsmanship?"

"Apprentice! For the master's swordsmanship without blowing, it is easy to fight against the higher ranks!"

Tai Shu Jie held up his head and stood upright, which was also unwilling to admit defeat.

Fang Fan had a headache and finally fooled him.

Fang Fan’s Nie Yan finally chose a first-level instructor as his master. According to him, with his talent, it would be nice to find a better first-level instructor.

Gui Sha chose between Sima Zhen's Super Instructor and Wu Lang's Super Instructor for a long time, and finally chose Sima Zhen...

The reason why he chose this way is also very clear, because he feels that he and Sima Zhen's super instructor belong to the kind of Pian Pian Gongzi...

What made Fang Fan the most unintelligible was that Xiao Liuli went to worship Murong Yu as his teacher...

Fang Fanke still remembers that the two men were at each other in the Xuefu Square before...

"Little Liuli, don't make trouble..."

Fang Fan had a headache, and a woman's heart was too hard to guess...

"I'm not making trouble!"

"I think Murong Yu tutors are very good. There are only a few female tutors present, and I also know Murong Yu tutors..."

"I also hope that the Murong Yu tutor can accept me!"

"From now on, I will be the apprentice of Murong Yu tutor, then you are my husband, that is, the apprentice of Murong Yu tutor!"

Xiao Liuli patted her chest, and while talking, the smile on her face increased.

Fang Fan just wanted to sigh secretly, good fellow...

This also involves my son-in-law...

Fang Fan does not want to worship Murong Yu as a teacher, that is, he does not want to mess up the ethical guidelines...

Unexpectedly, Xiao Liuli was still waiting here...

In fact, Xiao Liuli’s careful thinking is also very simple. She felt that Fang Fan and Murong Yu’s eyebrows must have something to happen in the future, so she thought, take the first step in admiring Murong Yu as a teacher and let Fang Fan become Murong Yu’s apprentice. husband.

With this relationship, what else can you make?

It's a pity that Xiao Liuli counted to the first year of junior high school, but not to the fifteenth...

The relationship between Fang Fan and Murong Yu has long been established, and it was like this long ago...

This level of relationship is already very clear.

No matter how Fang Fan persuaded, Xiao Liuli had determined this deadly truth.

Fang Fan looked at Murong Yu...

"Teacher Murong, she is young and ignorant, so you can bear more, you just don't accept her as a disciple."

Fang Fan thought in his heart that the student and the instructor had a two-way choice, and both agreed to do it, otherwise Xiao Liuli's wishful thinking would not succeed in apprenticeship.

It's just that as soon as Fang Fan finished saying this, Murong Yu exploded...

"Yes, it is!"

"She is young! Young and beautiful! I know!"

"But I like this young and beautiful female disciple!"

"I settled with this disciple!"

Murong's words were yin and yang strange, Fang Fan really didn't understand what it meant at first... Why did it suddenly happen?

After careful recollection, it suddenly became clear that this was something wrong.

Fang Fan mentioned that Xiao Liuli was young...Although he had no other meaning, Murong Yu understood that Fang Fan was disgusting that she was not as young as Xiao Liuli.

Women care about these aspects.

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