Divine System of the Strongest Card Supplier in the End Times

Chapter 2498: I really don't need pity

But looking at the self-reinforcing look of these guys in front of him, Fang Fan was really convinced...

"It's really nothing..."

Fang Fan reluctantly explained another sentence.

"Brother, you know everything..."

"Although...Although Teacher Murong is my former goddess, but... But if she treats my brother like this, I, Zuo Qiu Yao, will be the first to bear it!

"Brother Fang Fan, just talk about it, what do you want to do?"

"Is it caught the **** in the bed or what? It's all yours, I'll go straight!"

Zuo Qiuyao patted his chest, looking filled with righteous indignation.

"Boy Fang Fan, hey...I can understand you too..."

"Men, when you encounter this kind of thing, you will be more or less unacceptable. It's a normal mentality..."

"After all, no one wants...don't want to be so green..."

"This green hat doesn't look good!"

"But we must not be crushed!"

"Especially in this kind of thing, we must stick to ourselves! Stabilize ourselves and don't let the slightest slack!"

"Boy Fang Fan, can you...can you understand what I mean?"

"Life, more is to be struggling..."

"It used to be difficult for the sea...who hasn't passed yet!"

"I want to be my childhood sweetheart..."

As Bai Piao spoke, his expression became more and more agitated, one wave after another, his expression was really real...

Fang Fan inexplicably felt his scalp tingling...

What's the situation? Nothing to do, right?

Do you have to do things here?

Do you feel uncomfortable if you don't do things, or what?

Seeing Gui Sha and wanting to come up to comfort him, Fang Fan quickly stopped...

"Stop talking..."

"I'm afraid, I'm really afraid of you!"

"It's a trivial matter at first, how come it has become a matter of life and death in your mouth?"

"In fact, there is no need to care about these..."

"A mission card, nothing can be proved..."

As Fang Fan was talking, he waved his hand and said, the matter is over, and he said a hammer!

"Brother Fang Fan is so frank?"

"My role model!"

"As expected of my role model!"

"This is the attitude of a man!"

"That's the right thing to think! Man! What's the fear of being green?"

"As long as we are not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed!"

Zuo Qiuyao nodded resolutely, his expression was very real...

Immediately, Bai Piao on the side continued with emotion, "Hey...you don't understand Fang Fan, this is a kind of self-comfort after extreme pain..."

"In fact, his heart is more painful than us..."

"too bitter!"

"Boy Fang Fan, it really hurts you!"

"You suffer!"

Bai Piao said with an affair.

Fang Fan: "..."

What happened? You can't get through this matter, right?

Is it necessary to continue screaming?

Fang Fan really doesn't want to waste time here, but now he is really embarrassed...

"Okay, let's go to Murong Yu now... Can we confront her with her?"

"Will we all know what will happen then?"

"Now that's it..."

"I won't say anything extra..."

"I really have a headache..."

"Hurry up and see what's going on!"

"Just ask clearly."

"Don't stare at me with such pity, you don't really need to..."

Fang Fan took a deep breath and said helplessly.

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