Divine System of the Strongest Card Supplier in the End Times

Chapter 2514: See you on the martial arts stage

As the son of the first-class luminous alliance temple saint, naturally there is no shortage of licking dogs!

Now that I have confidence, I am thinking of revenge!


"Then you come together..."

Fang Fan stretched his waist, disapproving at all.

No matter when and where, the frame cannot be dropped.

"Brother Fang Fan, don't be impulsive, I'll come..."

Zuo Qiuyao took a deep breath and hurriedly walked over, and then a cold face appeared on his face: "This is within the Guangming Academy. If you dare to do anything at will, the Academy is qualified to expel you directly! You dare to risk this danger. ?"

Zuo Qiu Yao directly followed threateningly.

"How dare you scare me?"

"If no one reports it, who knows?"

"Why? Is it possible that you still have to report this son of God?"

"I don't know who I am? I dare to do this?"

"Hehe...If I wipe you all out, who will know about this?"

Zuoqiu Taxue, the **** of the first-class Light Alliance temple, continued to spread his arrogant posture.

"His Royal Highness, let's be safer... It's a bit out of date to do it directly in the academy... If you can go to the Tiandao Society or Guangming Society's martial arts platform to learn from each other, there will be no problem. Even if you kill someone, It is also normal loss..."

At this moment, a young man standing next to Zuoqiu Taxue murmured something, which seemed quite sinister.

"Wu Doutai?"

"Yes! Then go to the Wudoutai!"

"Fang Fan! Do you have the courage?"

"Go to the martial arts stage!"

"This time I must crush you thoroughly!"

Zuoqiu Taxue, the **** of the first-class Light Alliance temple, clenched his fists, and the arrogant posture continued to show.

"Brother Fang Fan, don't be impulsive, they dare not do anything to you, otherwise I, Zuo Qiuyao, will fight them even if I fight this life!"

"Damn it! What a bully!"

Zuo Qiuyao spit out directly, his eyes began to flicker.

When this posture at this moment is shown, it is the most obvious highlight moment!

No matter when and where, it is always necessary to uphold this compulsion!

"It's not impossible to go to Wudoutai..."

"Then go..."

"There is indeed a little trouble solving you guys here..."

"If you kill you on the martial arts stage, it will naturally be fine."

As Fang Fan was talking, he nodded with approval and said, with an extremely sincere appearance.

"Brother Fang Fan..."

Zuo Qiuyao, who was standing on the side, was anxious in an instant. He was a thousand urges, why didn't he stop...

"Brother Zuoqiu, don't worry, I have a sense of measure..."

"Then set it in the martial arts arena of Tiandao Society..."

Fang Fan stretched his waist and looked casual and calm.

People are provoking to the point of sight, how can you bear this?

"it is good!"

"So courageous!"

"With your guts, I respect you as a hero!"

"Don't worry, I will ask them to let you die peacefully!"

"And these people around you, I won't target them!"

"I just want all the students in the college to see what will happen if they dare to offend my **** son!"

Zuoqiu Taxue, the **** of the Temple of Light Alliance, clenched his fists, still trying to show his majesty.

It looks a bit silly just now...

Anyway, I was deliberately emphasizing my posture...

He is the son of God at every turn, hoping to improve himself in this way.

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