Even if the current situation is frozen...

Under Tai Shujie’s strong arrangement, Zhou Cui, the second-level tutor of the Priest Academy, could only tremble crazily there...

But at this moment, I dare not say what to do, because all actions have been completely ended.

As for the sky-level student Zuo Qiu of the Guangming Academy, he felt that he was already in a dangerous situation at this moment, and the whole person was directly confused...

Just keep going, doesn't he just get cold right away?

But his only backer also collapsed...

Now there is also an uncle from the Holy Venerable Realm watching the audience...

Now you can't even give up!

"One minute……"

"I can admit defeat in a minute!"

"Yes! I want to hold on for a minute..."

"I can!"

"Maybe this Fang Fan can still be killed!"

"Damn... it's because of this guy that I suffered such humiliation! Otherwise, how could I become like this!"

"At this time, there must be no accidents!"

"The situation must be stabilized here!"

"My mentality must not collapse..."

"I remember, that Fang Fan exuded an invincible and powerful aura at the time, so I was frightened and defeated..."

"At that time, he cut off an arm in a random manner!"

"These must be Fang Fan's blindfolds!"

"Now that I have experienced those things, naturally it is impossible to be afraid of his blindfold..."

"Then what am I afraid of? Just do it!"


"Just figure it out, and don't be afraid at all!"

"I can hold the audience!"

"I am a heavenly student of Guangming Academy! I am the supreme powerhouse of the sixth-star sanctuary realm!"

"Who can fight me?"

"It's impossible!"

"As long as I can control my mentality, I can crush this **** Fang Fan directly!"

Zuoqiu's meteor eyeball, a heavenly student of Guangming Academy, trembled crazily...

All kinds of messy thoughts gathered in his mind, and then the smile on his face gradually increased.

Everything ends here!

Inexplicably excited and excited!

If this is the case, then there are great opportunities in front of us...

Based on this, the entire Guangming Academy will be affected!

"At that time, if you get rid of this Fang Fan, you can also complete the account of His Royal Highness..."

"Also, I want the **** Tai Uncle Jie to pay the price it deserves!"

"Who let you intervene!"

"I want your apprentice to bury you for your actions!"

Zuo Qiuyu gritted his teeth, his whole body twitched slightly as he spoke. The excitement was hard to express in words...

But in any case, it just seems so real, as if everything ends here!

On the Wudou stage, only Fang Fan and Zuo Qiuyu are left at this moment, and they will continue their unfinished battle!

"Boy! My apprentice, there is no failure to say!"

"I've given you a chance, don't shame your master!"

"I can't afford to lose this person!"

Tai Shu Jie shook his fluffy and messy hair, then said viciously.

Fang Fan shrugged, his face indifferent.

This cheap master was still very effective at critical times, and he stepped forward directly at critical times.

Fang Fan has some feelings in his heart... to be honest, I am very grateful.

Although I didn't communicate much with this cheap master Taishu Jie, that kind of care was not fake.

This is probably an alternative way of expression?

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