Fang Fan stood aside, his complexion turned black...

Can you be a little bit more careful...

At any rate, he was also a teacher.

"Uncle Jie!"

"I don't want to fight with you on weekdays, don't think it's me, Fu Jing, who is so bullying!"

"Today this thing is endless!"

"Zuo Qiuyu is my apprentice! He is a very optimistic apprentice! He has just become a heavenly student! It is possible that he will sprint into the Seven-Star Sanctuary Realm when he graduates!"

"Such a good seedling, so ruined now!"

"I'm his master, this matter absolutely can't just leave it! It must be rectified!"

"Uncle Jie, I advise you to leave it alone! Otherwise, everyone's faces won't look good!"

Fu Jing, the dean of the priesthood academy, became angry with her face while she was talking.

While talking, roars followed by roars, and the gesture of gritted teeth showed vividly...

In any case, this posture seems very real, and this is the most true expression of behavior!

"Everyone doesn't look good on their faces?"

"Ha ha……"

"Really ridiculous!"

"What's not so good?"

"Do you have a face?"

"Can you point your face?"

"What is your trash disciple's name? Oh... Zuo Qiu Meteo..."

"He is not as skilled as others, so are you embarrassed to come here and shout?"

"He couldn't beat my disciple. He has been killed now. This is all resolved in the arena, fair and just!"

"Everyone is staring at so many eyes! Who is shameless, isn't it clear at a glance?"

"Why? Speaking of your heart's strength? Sorry?"

"Since you are on the martial arts stage, life and death are your destiny!"

"Bring the autumn queen to settle accounts?"

"It's a dean anyway, can you please beg your face?"

Tai Uncle Jie waved a big hand, and then stood directly in front of Fang Fan, while talking, the expression of arrogance on his face grew more and more.

This posture was bold, and his expression gradually became extremely excited...

To say a thousand words and ten thousand, this high profile is to show in all directions!

Everyone's eyes gathered here, and the expressions on their respective faces changed unpredictably... This is so special, I feel like my head buzzing inexplicably...

One is the dean of the priesthood... the other is a famous undead teacher in the war **** academy...

Now it's about to pinch it! Why does it feel so exciting...

This kind of excitement came, and I was completely excited...

All kinds of verbal expressions made him smile.

"Uncle Jie!"

"I won't say if it's the life or death of the battlefield!"

"Finally, my disciple Zuo Qiuyu has already said to admit defeat, why don't you let him surrender? And let him force a fight? Say it must take a minute to admit defeat?"

"You are telling him to die!"

"You can't get rid of his death! You are a murderer!"

"Uncle Jie! I won't settle accounts with you today, and hand over your disciple Fang Fan, he is the culprit!"

"The dean will take him today!"

Fu Jing, Dean of the Priesthood Academy, roared, and the momentum burst out instantly...

The majesty of the Supreme Lord seemed quite powerful! It seems to have a situation that can crush everything!

This posture is extremely powerful!

Everything is shown here, how powerful is it!

Tai Shujie shrugged his shoulders indifferently. Although he was only in the high-ranking Holy Venerable realm, when it came to fighting, there were really few outstanding Holy Venerables that could pose any threat to him.

Like the God-level system, the strongest card supplier in the last days, please collect: ( The god-level system, the strongest card supplier in the last days, has the fastest literary update.

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