The entire battlefield of Tiandao Society trembled, and more and more people fled from here.

The level of confusion is evident...

"Sister Xiangfei, let's go, I will cover you out!"

Bai Piao patted his chest, and wanted to emulate the most qualified licking dog...

"Fang Fan...Fang Fan's brother is still there..."

"Quickly call Fang Fan's younger brother to leave together, he is too dangerous!"

Concubine Xiang took a deep breath, her face couldn't help showing a nervous look, and while talking, she nodded with conviction, her facial expression seemed very silent...

In this situation, each seemed real...

"Called to leave together?"


"Don't worry about him... even if the true **** falls, he can't die..."

Bai Piao rolled his eyes, and while talking, he sighed with helpless emotion...

He licked the dog so lonely...

Doesn’t it mean that you have everything you need to lick the dog to the end?

This is it now?

Play with the hammer!

I'm paying great attention to you, but you are thinking of Fang Fan...

Bai Piao felt that he could give up this wave.

"Brother Bai Piao, stop the ink...Go away..."

"If Dean Fu Jing and Teacher Taishu really start fighting, it will definitely be earth-shattering... We are on the side, it is very likely to be affected, or safety first..."

Gui Sha let out a foul breath, and while talking, he immediately reminded him that at this time, it shouldn't be too ridiculous...


"What to go...what can I go for?"

"What does this attack power count for me? Can it hurt me?"

"Impossible! No way!"

"Don't worry about my defensive ability..."

Bai Piao waved his hand with a proud face.

At this moment, who doesn't want to dress up...

Pretending to be forced or something, that is the soul feeling!

As for the others, they are all bullshit, meaningless...


At this moment, Tai Shujie and Dean of the Priesthood Academy Fu Jing are already in a state of incompatible conditions on the battlefield, and a full-scale war is about to happen every minute...

Thanks to Tai Shujie’s poisonous mouth, at this moment, Fu Jing, the dean of the priesthood academy, was really angry, and her body was shaking violently...

Even the teeth are trembling frantically, you can foresee the excitement and indignation in your heart!

This kind of verbal expression is to a certain extent the most true...

Say a thousand words and ten thousand, that's all in this state...

Gritting your teeth is the most true way of expression!

Fang Fan exhaled silently, folded his hands in front of him, his eyes flickered...

Is this going to... officially start the war?

This is the battle of the supreme sage, he really saw it for the first time, and to be honest, it was really exciting.

With this wave after wave, the stimulus will only become more intense.

"Uncle Jie!"

"Don't think everyone is afraid of you! That's just not wanting to care about you, a lunatic!"

"Our dean will learn and teach your combat power today!"

"I want to see if you still have the qualifications to fight a demigod now!"

Fu Jing, the dean of the priesthood academy, gave a cold cry, and then the whole body completely exploded...

"Just you? Want to learn my combat power too?"

"You are not qualified!"

"But I can teach you!"

"Remember, look in the mirror more in the future and point your face!"

"Kang Long has regrets!"

Uncle Tai screamed, and there seemed to be dragon shadows flickering all over his body...

Immediately Fang Fan seemed to hear a burst of dragon roars.

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