Xue Wanren, the deputy chief of the Guangming Academy, waved his hand. Now he wants to get rid of this matter as soon as possible, so stop talking nonsense...

All these nonsense sounds like my head is about to burst. Is it interesting? Isn’t it a bad idea?

This squeaky crooked, what else do you want to make trouble?

"Vice Palace Master, you can't be so partial!"

"Don't think I don't know, you just fell in love with Fang Fan!"

"Okay! I won't bother him. Even if he killed my disciple Zuo Qiuyu on the martial arts stage in an upright manner, he is amazing, I will take it!"

"But what about Uncle Jie?"

"Why did he intervene in the fight between them?"

"My disciple Zuo Qiuyu had already said that he had surrendered at the time! If it weren't for the uncle's reluctance, could there be so many things?"

"It is because of him that my disciple died! Uncle Jie must be severely punished!"

Fu Jing, the dean of the priesthood academy, squirmed her lips, her eyes were already full of blood while talking.

Seeing that Fang Fan failed to be shelled, he changed the target again, and now he was thinking of taking the knife directly with Uncle Jie.

"I'm just playing the role of a justice messenger!"

"The rules of Wudoutai must be followed!"

"In the beginning, if it wasn't for Zhou Cui of your theological college to forcefully intervene in their fighting, I wouldn't be able to intervene!"

"Counting this way, if Zhou Cui, the instructor of your Theological Academy did not intervene at the time, then your disciple Zuo Qiuyu would have to be killed a little earlier!"

"Now that I have lived for a few more minutes, you should be thankful! Why do you still have the face to speak up here?"

"Sage cloud, it's hard to raise women and villains... It seems that it is really that way!"

Tai Uncle Jie said straightforwardly while talking.

Fang Fan wanted to give him a thumbs up while listening...

My master...ghost!

This mouth is very slippery!


"Extremely despicable!"

"Deputy Palace Master! What qualifications does such a despicable person have to continue to be the tutor of our Guangming Academy!"

"Spoken words and expressions! Don't confess for what you have done!"

"Hell is empty! The devil is in the world!"

"My disciple was cheated to death by him!"

"I'm not convinced! I'm not satisfied!"

"Vice Palace Lord!"

The roar of Fu Jing, Dean of the Priesthood Academy, is endless, and now it is about to break...

The key point is that the voice is not small, which sounds quite a tingling sensation on the scalp.

It's like rubbing a fingernail on the glass, the sound is comparable to howling a ghost!



"I understand this!"

"The reason is that Zhou Cui's mentor at your Priesthood Academy is the first to break the rules!"

"After she broke the rules, it led to some changes in the fighting stage..."

"Uncle Jie was out of the mentality of protecting the calf, so he went up to uphold justice!"

"The culprit is you!"

"Almost missed you!"

"Xue Wanren, the deputy chief of the Guangming Academy, was talking, and then he focused his attention on Zhou Cui, the second-level tutor of the School of the Priesthood.

Say a thousand words and ten thousand, that's how it is...

"I...I...I'm right!"

"I'm here to save my Ayu..."

"I want revenge..."

Zhou Cui, the second-level tutor of the Priesthood Academy, suddenly put down Zuoqiu's corpse, and then stood up silently, a pair of **** eyes staring directly at Fang Fan...

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