"Brother Bai Piao, you are holding this star core, and you promised to give me 10% before!"

"Brother Bai Piao, this time I have given up my life to accompany the gentleman! But I must not turn my face and deny people!"

Zuo Qiu Yao also hurriedly followed and said excitedly.

"I'm a little curious, how many star cores did you guys earn this time?"

"Make such a big move!"

Cui Qing, the head of the logistics department of the Tiandao Society, also followed this time. At this moment, while talking, the curious look on her face couldn't help but become more. While speaking, the expression on her face changed with her hands folded.


"Not much……"

"Not much……"

"Look at a few of you, they are all decent people!"

"Just for such a star core, as for?"

"I'll just settle it back to you, and I can't let this star core be stunned by me..."

"Just in my pocket, it's not warm yet!"

As Bai Piao was talking, his face couldn't help showing a distressed look.

"Don't talk nonsense, you have to give early and late..."

"Just go straight!"

Fang Fan curled his lips, Bai Piao had such a virtue, he had long been used to it.

"Here... I will give you all!"

"The net profit is 183.7 billion..."

"Boy Fang Fan, you...do you really want 50%?"

"Is it too much?"

"This is not so good either..."

"You see that we have been babbling underneath for so long, can this...can we have less points? Give us more points?"

"You see, I have done a lot of hard work! If I hadn't supported the whole process, I'm afraid that Zuo Qiuyao and Gui Sha would have terminated the betting long ago. It was I who had taken the lead!"

"It's too difficult for me!"

"What's the matter, you have to give some rewards?"

"After all, I am a great hero!"

"Boy Fang Fan, it can't be so dark..."

"Boy Fang Fan, look at you all this time..."


Bai Piao said a lot crookedly.

Fang Fan listened to a few words, they were basically nonsense...

This nonsense is getting more and more!

Boom, boom, now it's endless!

However, the profit figures that Bai Piao revealed at this moment directly shocked everyone!

More than 180 billion!

This... how long is this? From the beginning of preparation to the end of the final battle, less than half an hour!

In less than half an hour, he earned nearly 200 billion inferior star cores!

This star core is already more flooded than rocks!

"You...you are too good!"

"A general Saint-level instructor also has a wealth of tens of billions of low-grade star cores..."

"Nearly 200 billion...this...this is too exaggerated!"

"If it is placed in our Tiandao Club, there will be no need to worry about funding for hundreds of years..."

Cui Qing, head of the logistics department of the Tiandao Society, said with deep emotion as he spoke.

Earning star nuclei is really as easy as eating and drinking for the capable people.

"This is what I earned..."

"I came up with the idea!"

"At first none of them believed me! All these **** came to fight the autumn wind..."

"It's all Zhou Papi! I'm too difficult!"

"A business prodigy like me has suffered such suppression!"

"Where is the law of heaven! Where is justice!"


Bai Piao looked at it and he was about to make a long discussion.

"Don't talk nonsense, more than 180 billion low-grade star cores, I only need 90 billion, and the rest will be settled for you!"

"Hurry up, sort out the star cores!"

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