This thing is so...

It's not like that!

But there is still some comfort, at least this [Fourth Female Slave] task is completed.

In general, it is not bad now.


"Continue drinking..."

"Such a good atmosphere, don't waste it."

Fang Fan bit his scalp and waved his hand and said, now he can only say that at this time.

This awkward plot is happening in front of you anyway.

Embarrassment belongs to embarrassment, but things still have to go on.

Fang Fan's gaze flickered towards the surroundings, then strode forward and continued to drink the dragon bone wine in his hand.

Anyway, it’s the simplest to do it now...

Anyway, in the end, everyone was dizzy and unconscious.

The final consciousness seemed to be Fang Fan attached to a fragrant body.



I don't know how long it took...

Pain... The intense pain came.

Fang Fan's consciousness gradually began to recover...


"Cough cough cough..."

Fang Fan coughed violently, and then let out a suffocating breath. He actually felt very comfortable, and his whole person became floating...

Fang Fan's gaze scanned the surroundings, the expression on his face changed somewhat.

There is a bed under his body, there is no doubt...

The clean white sheets are very eye-catching...

Fang Fan's legs moved subconsciously, and a soft touch came.


A sound like a wild cat screamed, Fang Fan's mouth gradually opened, and the expression on his face looked a little strange...

Is this... committed?

This is Fang Fan's first impression.

A white beauty emerged from the bedding, still a little familiar...

"You finally wake up!"


Murong Yu clenched his red lips, opened his mouth directly and attacked Fang Fan's shoulder, with a look of resentment.


"Why are you here?"

"This is not right..."

"I was..."

Fang Fan was instantly stunned, this looked a little strange...

"What's wrong with me?"

"I let you down?"

"There is one more in there!"

"You are not allowed to drink in the future! You are crazy after drinking!"

Murong Yu frowned subconsciously while speaking. At this moment, her white skin was exposed in the air, and there were bruises everywhere...

Fang Fan's gaze scanned the surroundings subconsciously...

This looks a bit awkward...

Although I don't know what happened just now, he can be sure it has something to do with him.

What other reactions can there be while drunk? Then it just broke out...

As for the one Murong Yu said, Fang Fan's heart trembled slightly...

"Could it be..."

Fang Fan lifted the quilt and saw Xiao Liuli's pretty face...

At this moment, Xiao Liuli was trembling slightly in a hug, her face turned pale, her face full of horror...

But this panic seems to bring a little bit of enjoyment...

Anyway, it’s a very complicated expression...

" are a pervert!"

"I told you to let me go, I can't stand it anymore, you still have to treat me like that!"

"You are so cruel!"

"Fortunately, in the end Master came and saved me..."

"Otherwise I will be killed by you!"

"I can never stay with you independently in the future!"

Xiao Liuli trembled and ran directly to Murong Yu's side, as if Fang Fan was a scourge.

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