In the next few days, Fang Fan was thinking about how to summon the Sanctuary Thunder Tribulation as soon as possible, and he should also think about promoting the Sanctuary...

It’s not a problem to keep dragging like this...

At the same time, he also prepared a Sanctuary Thunder Tribulation Waiver Card for himself...

There was another wave of suppression when saving time.

Who can hold back this wave?

"It's just that it's not that simple to practice..."

"I also searched the card auction system before, but didn't find any very good cards..."

"Could it be that you can only practice by yourself?"

"Originally, it was soaring all the way, but now it's not hanging up, I really don't know how to practice."

"And this promotion to the Sanctuary Realm has really become a demon of my heart..."

Fang Fan frowned, then sighed silently.

Before, Xiao Liuli and him were both extremely quasi-sacred realms. Later, Xiao Liuli accompanied him to the third floor of the cafeteria for a meal, and then because he had enough energy, he was promoted as a matter of course.

Just coming to him, this energy is like accumulating dissatisfaction forever...

Speaking of it, there has been a lot of tonic energy these days, such as dragon meat, Tai Sui ribs, Xuanwu soup, white tiger essence...

I have eaten everything...

According to the normal quasi-sage, I'm afraid I would have been promoted a long time ago, but it has not been enough for him!

Fang Fan is also worried...

too difficult!

This melon head is about to split...

As for the pills that the cheap master Tai Uncle Jie sent, he also took a lot of pills, but they didn't see any effect.

Fang Fan seems to have encountered some bottleneck now.

This feeling is very tangled.

Fang Fan has been thinking about it these days, and Murong Yu and Xiao Liuli can naturally see it.

Especially in the past few days, Fang Fan has become more diligent in his practice.

From time to time, I sighed...

After this wave, it is very real!

"Actually, your cultivation speed is already very fast..."

"It's too late. It's time to calm down and lay the foundation!"

"Especially your current combat effectiveness and your cultivation base are seriously mismatched, and you must pay more attention to your foundation!"

"Blindly pursuing combat power, sometimes it is possible to harm your origin! This will have a certain impact on your future spiritual path..."

Murong Yu stood from the perspective of the people who came by, and the other side advised Fan Fan that some things must be clear.

At this moment, every aspect must be paid attention to.

Murong Yu is now in the holy state, and naturally has a certain ability to guide Fang Fan's practice at this moment.

It's just that she doesn't know much about Fang Fan's situation.

The reason why his combat power is strong is that on the one hand, it has the bonus effect of the female slave position, which allows him to increase his combat power by a level all the time...

On the other hand, at the critical moment, they shared the combat power of those **** pets.

In fact, his own combat power is not how strong to some extent!

"The road to practice continues..."

"We still have to practice continuously..."

"Are there any quick shortcuts?"

"I didn't have much time to delay..."

Fang Fan stretched his waist and said immediately.

"Why are you thinking about taking shortcuts again!"

"How can there be so many shortcuts on the road of cultivation!"

"You will really hurt your origin if you continue like this!"

Murong Yu clenched his red lips, and then groaned aside.

Her cultivation experience can be learned, but not copied.

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