"Then go on..."

"Continue to the sixth floor..."

"You can hold on!"

Fang Fan looked at Bai Piao's face and suffering, and he was really speechless...

This guy is really floating...

When Fang Fan and others entered the fifth floor to the sixth floor, the fifth floor of the Tower of Light was instantly extinguished...

However, the sixth floor of the Tower of Light was originally lit, but there was not much change.


At this moment, on the sixth floor of the Tower of Light, a training room was open, and then a young man stood there with a very rich expression...

"Look at your attire, are you a student of the academy?"

"It shouldn't be, the Academy with the ability to come to the sixth floor of the Tower of Light is at least a six-star high-level sanctuary..."

"There are not many of these types of cultivation in the academy, it seems that I have never seen you..."

"Which college do you come from? How old is it? Did you break in by mistake?"

The young man standing on the sixth floor of the Tower of Light was talking, and he walked over and asked with curiosity.

At the same time, he also discovered the cultivation base of Fang Fan and others...

"The highest is only the five-star pinnacle sanctuary..."

"Even the quasi holy realm is here..."

"Am I drunk again?"

"Hiccup...Drinking is a mistake..."

"But it tastes so good..."

While the young man was talking, he immediately poured himself a sip of wine.

Holding a wine gourd in his hand, suddenly a piece of wine scent came, smelling the wine, even can make people feel intoxicated...

"You...you are an alcoholic...brother alcoholic?"

"Really...is it really you?"

"Hi... I didn't expect to see a real person today!"

"That's amazing! Idol level character!"

Zuo Qiu Yao's eyes suddenly lit up, and his lips trembled as he spoke.

Fang Fan raised his eyebrows, his face was stunned...


The name is very artistic!

"Is this drunk famous?"

Fang Fan looked at the fragrant concubine on the side, still a fragrance...

This scent has an inexplicable feeling of intimacy...

Especially now that the concubine Xiangfei is still holding Fang Fan's arm, Fang Fan subconsciously leaned in...

How should I put it, Fang Fan is really not that kind of casual person, but the fragrance on Concubine Xiang's body is really special...

"It's not just famous..."

"It is said that in just one hundred years after joining the school, he has been promoted to the Seven-Star Sanctuary Realm!"

"This is the face of our Guangming Academy..."

"When I was in a student exchange match with the Dark Academy before, Senior Alcoholic Brothers leaned on a wine gourd to fight all over the court, and you called one to exhale!"

"Brother Drunkard has always been a legend!"

"It is said that few people can see Senior Drunkard, he is cultivating most of the time..."

"Moreover, the academy specially assigned him a permission. He can practice in the Tower of Light at will, without any time limit!"

"This is a privilege that even the instructor of the Holy Realm of the Guangming Academy has never had!"

While Concubine Xiang was talking, the expression on her face changed. Obviously, this drunkard has a very strong reputation...

In other words, it has shaken the entire Guangming Academy!

High probability is the kind of proud man...

But this kind of heavenly pride seems to be a bit addicted to alcohol...

"Okay, I've seen this before, let's hurry up and go up!"

"The fifty-fold cultivation speed of this sixth level is still a bit short."

Fang Fan groaned, then followed.

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