The name of this drunkard is indeed worthy of the name!

This pocket is cleaner than the face!

Isn't it shameless to say it?

He is also a proud son of heaven who is well-known inside and outside the school...

this one?

Isn't this the rhythm and operation of slaps?

Fang Fan exhaled, now I really don’t know what to say...

I feel that this brain is floating...

What the **** is this...

"Boy Fang Fan, puff haha... I laughed to death... I didn't expect you to have a stalemate!"

"This drunkard brother is too good for me!"

"Boy Fang Fan...hahahahaha..."

Bai Piao leaned forward and backward with a smile. Although he felt a lot of pressure in the sixth floor of the Tower of Light at the moment, this did not prevent him from gloating.

"You will suffer later!"

Fang Fan glared at Bai Piao, then turned his gaze to the alcoholic in front of him...

"Well... if I can hold three breaths in the seventh floor of the Tower of Light, you will be a pony in the future, otherwise I will be a pony in the future!"

Fang Fan let out a suffocating breath, and then said.

"Ma Zi?"

"What is Ma Zi?"

"Is it wine?"

The drunkard, a heavenly student of Guangming Academy, blinked and said very cutely.

This guy is completely confused now.

"Ma Tsai means little brother...I will be your boss from now on! That's how it is! Heed my orders from now on!"

Fang Fan patted his forehead, and after a wave of explanations, he strode directly towards the seventh floor of the Tower of Light.

Fang Fan didn't care about the episode on the sixth floor either. Since there is no star core revenue, then the others are even less concerned.

Fang Fan came to the Tower of Light on this trip to seek a breakthrough opportunity...

The absolute quasi-sage broke into the one-star sanctuary, and everyone else seemed to be quite simple, how could he not break through here...

Too inked.

Fang Fan's thoughts gathered, and the expression on his face gradually changed.

It didn’t take much time to enter from the sixth floor to the seventh floor of the Tower of Light, everything was very random...

Xiangfei Guisha and others seemed very relaxed because they also had the power of faith. As for Bai Piao, the sweat on his forehead grew more and more, and now they are starting to pant completely...

The words are not very sharp, both legs are trembling crazily...

At this moment, the right hand is supporting the wall and the left hand is supporting the waist. It is too difficult...

"Brother Bai Piao, why do you think you are..."

"If you go to Brother Fang Fan to light up, you can be as relaxed as we are..."

Gui Sha looked at Bai Piao like this, and couldn't help it.

This is the rhythm to deduce to the end for the sake of face and suffering!

The point is what's the point! Isn't it the one who suffers in the end?

Can't this head turn a little?

"Ah... Brother Guisha, you don't understand... I... I am self-hardening!"

"Only in this way can the strength of my body become purer and more conducive to cultivation!"

"I wanted to do this deliberately, and put more pressure on myself, so that the effect of cultivation would be better..."

"Otherwise, how can the oppressive power of this tower of light make me feel bad? My root...I don't care at all?

"Brother Guisha, don't look at me like this, but I have strong persistence, I can still persist..."

"Don't look at Fang Fan now looking relaxed and casual, but he might collapse sometime..."

"Otherwise you should just follow me? Joining my ascetic camp is good for you!"

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