"Three or five hours are considered less..."

"Ten hours is the norm for that guy..."

"You can weigh it yourself..."

"But the temperature here is quite suitable for sleeping, very comfortable..."

Bai Piao stretched out, and then his body suddenly reacted, then looked at the ghost ghost on the side, and subconsciously hugged him...

Gui Sha's body was immediately followed by a spirit...

This is what happened!

"Brother Bai Piao, you...can you stop touching me with your hands...the waist...Don't touch it, can you, it's very sensitive..."

"That's my thigh, what are you touching!"

"What's so special about you...what is it so panic..."

Suddenly countless goose bumps appeared on Gui Sha's body. While talking, his body trembled unnaturally...

This feels too strange.

Now this melon head is about to crack...

What kind of trouble do you want to do? This is really unbearable!

What's wrong with this guy!

Gui Sha wanted to export it as dirty.

"Brother Guisha, I don't know..."

"Just...it's not good..."

"I can feel more comfortable holding you..."

"It's all inflicted by Fang Fan, this guy is Yu Du!"

"Too bad!"

"Next time I specify that I can't come out with him!"

"Brother Guisha, why don't you just hug and sleep like this?"

"Isn't it comfortable?"

Gui Sha nodded, and said with a look of approval.

"Screw you!"

"Don't talk to me, I got goose bumps..."

"You said that you are too idle, and there are beautiful women with you in the training room No. 3. Now I come to practice No. 1 and follow us this ink stuff!"

"In this state, to be honest, it's really not worth it!"

Gui Sha rolled his eyes, spit out angrily from the side, and then ran into the corner to start practicing...

Because the fascinating voice was still so exciting, he simply sealed both his ears with cloth strips.

Guisha's diligence is really good.

"Forget it, forget it, I don't care, I also go to practice..."

"If this continues, I'm afraid I will have completely lost my mind before I go to practice..."

"Can't continue inking at this time!"

"The ninth floor of the Tower of Light, one hundred times the cultivation speed, can't be wasted!"

"Maybe I can take advantage of this opportunity to break through!"

Zuo Qiuyao took a deep breath and immediately joined the diligent army...

It's Bai Piao, looking left and right, it's really embarrassing right now...

What can I do now?


He didn't come to the Tower of Light for cultivation, he wanted to explore the traces of the godhead in it, but after searching for so long, it seems that he found nothing. Anyway, he has searched inside and out here, and there is nothing... …

Originally, I was thinking of letting Zuo Qiuyao and Gui Sha accompany him to pull the calf, and now both of them ran to practice, Bai Piao suddenly felt empty...

Coupled with this Yingying's voice still echoing in his ears, it feels like the whole person wants to go directly to heaven!

It's probably that feeling.


"The fate of Fang Fan is really good..."

"What's the difference between me and him?"

"On face value? I am not bad..."

"On wealth? I have saved tens of billions of dollars recently, and this is not much different."

"On charm? I still need to talk about charm?"

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