Divine System of the Strongest Card Supplier in the End Times

Chapter 2593: The top of the tower is gone

Fang Fan's gaze continued to scan the surroundings, and he found that the robes used as cushions had been soaked in blood red, and the scene seemed very bloody...

"This is a healing card. The blood-recovery card... is about to be used."

Fang Fan looked at Concubine Xiang, then nodded and said.

Without waiting for Xiang Fei's response, Fang Fan forcibly used the healing card on Xiang Fei's body. He was relieved to see that her injury had recovered.

At this time, the Tower of Light suddenly shook...

Fang Fan and Concubine Xiang put on their clothes and walked out of the training room...

At this moment, I just saw Bai Piao, Zuo Qiuyao, Gui Sha and Ripple with a bewildered look.

"Boy Fang Fan, you finally came out..."

"You...as soon as you stopped, the tower of light was shaking...Did you do it?"

"I said what you are doing with this thing, it shocked me..."

"I was scared and trembling..."

"Fang Fan, you are too bad!"

The good cabbage has been swept away by the pig!

"Stop talking nonsense, get out now..."

Just as Fang Fan was about to speak, a thunderous sound suddenly sounded, and the top of the Tower of Light was immediately reimbursed...

Fang Fan raised his head and glanced in the air, the thunder that crazily gathered together has completely deteriorated!

The reason why the tower of light will vibrate is naturally because of the power of this crazy sky thunder!

Fang Fan was about to break through, and the Holy Land Thunder Tribulation was naturally triggered at this moment!

If he can successfully survive the thunder tribulation of the sanctuary, Fang Fan is a veritable one-star sanctuary cultivator!

However, this situation seems a bit wrong now...

At this moment, there are crowds of people around the Tower of Light, and the scene is extremely lively!

This wave after wave is shocking!

The Tower of Light has been completely covered by a terrifying thunder group at this moment...

Just now, even a thunderbolt dropped directly, directly destroying the indestructible top of the Tower of Light!

This scene is getting bigger and bigger anyway, according to this trend, it will erupt completely sooner or later!

If this destruction continues, the tower of light will be destroyed!

At this moment, a crowd of cultivators in the Tower of Light naturally followed frantically!

Those students who had originally cultivated around the Tower of Light naturally saw the wind turned the rudder and hurriedly hid away...

But this does not prevent them from wanting to watch the fun of eating melons!

"Good fellow, this thunder group...this thunder group seems to be more terrifying than those demigods' thunder tribulation..."

"Damn... it's so awesome. Even the top of the Tower of Light was killed. This is the first time!"

"Heh...someone came out over there...a young man...and holding a woman...a beautiful woman..."

"That's Fang Fan! That young man is Fang Fan! This terrifying thunder group must have been caused by him..."

"Huh... so that's the case, so it seems that this is indeed extraordinary... the proud son of heaven! The absolute proud son of heaven!"

"What's the use of the proud man of heaven? Isn't he still jealous of the heavens now? Look at this heavenly thunder, is this an ordinary heavenly thunder? That Fang Fan is going to cross the holy domain thunder tribulation now, doesn't it mean that he is still a quasi-sage territory?"

"What the hell... Maybe people are crossing the half-god Thunder Tribulation? If you pass it, you will be half-god..."

"Hehe, you should change your mind. If people are about to be promoted to a demigod, come to Guangming Academy to learn a hammer. Isn't it fragrant to be Palace Master?"

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