Murong Yu's yin and yang weird voice came, Fang Fan shrugged helplessly, how did he answer this? He can't answer this...

All these things have a hammer relationship with him!

I really think too much...

The wave after wave is completely the rhythm of doing things!

"According to the information disclosed by the university, once you successfully join the seed class, you will be awarded a thousand credits at a time!"

"Your own opportunities must be controlled..."

"Once the seed class goes to war, there will be many professional instructors who will teach you fighting skills!"

"At that time, you will also have a chance to get an all-round improvement!"

"Anyway, this is an opportunity, just keep it under control."

Murong Yu groaned, and then continued to follow, anyway, he said these things very clearly now, as for what it will develop into next, it is unknown.

If only the 1,000 credits from the time when I entered the palace, Fang Fan still has a certain attraction, as for now... I suddenly feel a little indifferent...

Probably because it is really drifting now...

A thousand credits, if converted into a star core, is less than 100 million...

Now that there are less than 100 million inferior star cores, they seem to be out of reach...

"So the purpose of setting up seed classes is to compete for the resources of God's Land?"

After Gui Sha realized, he immediately asked.

"This is just one aspect..."

"This kind of exchange competition between colleges and universities also reflects to some extent the combat power and cultivation of the younger generation of major forces!"

"This is also a good opportunity to win glory for Guangming Academy..."

"The past major exchange competitions were also an alternative war!"

"If you can really win in this kind of alternative war, it will naturally be an excellent thing!"

"Now it mainly depends on the future development prospects and development opportunities..."

"Especially for the dark colleges, we must press the other side!"

"We don't just want to win the dark camp in the battle of Gods! This is especially true in the battle between universities!"

"At that time, there will be big people in the light and dark schools..."

"Under the situation where the smell of gunpowder is extremely strong, those big people like to place heavy bets on the students of their college..."

"On the one hand, it is to boost our own morale, and on the other hand, it is also to win more treasures from the Dark Academy and even the entire dark camp..."

"Treasures that are quite important to those half-god bosses are heirloom-level gods in any camp!"

"Which faction has one more item and one less item, but they all affect the overall combat effectiveness!"

What Murong Yu said was very mysterious, but Fang Fan suddenly felt something wrong when he heard it...

Isn't it gambling?

"Betting on a dog is not going to die!"

Fang Fan judged sincerely.

"Fang Fan!"

Murong Yu glared at her beautiful eyes directly, and let out a grievance...

What kind of trouble do you want to cause?

Can it work?

Under what circumstances do you have no points in your heart? Are you still doing things here?


"I think this atmosphere is pretty good..."

"At that time, I will drive my Bai Piao Casino to the exchange game site..."

"Boy Fang Fan, if we continue to cooperate, we will definitely be able to eat black and white!"

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