It seems that there are indeed many benefits of joining this kind of sub-class, which can be advanced or retreated. Relatively speaking, it is relatively safe.

Fang Fan nodded silently, his eyes could not help but sparkle with a different kind of light.

This incident was revealed to Fang Fan and others by Murong Yu in advance, but in the afternoon, the school had announced the announcement.

There is not much difference between what Murongyu said, anyway, I hope a group of students can participate actively!

Thousands of people enrolled in the first grade seed class...

That momentum is extremely brave...

If this momentum continues to develop, it will take a lot of time to filter out students who meet the rules.

Finally, Guangming Academy can only ask for improvement...

"Don't sign up below the first-year three-star sanctuary!"

"Don't sign up for the second-year four-star sanctuary!"

"Don't sign up below the third grade five-star sanctuary!"

"Don't sign up below the sixth-star sanctuary in the fourth grade!"

Probably this is the case, showing a very clear attitude.

In fact, to put it simply, if you are not the best in the same age group, this kind of sub-class or seed class will have nothing to do with you, so don't follow it...

Although it is not clearly stated, it actually means that...

After this wave, it seemed more clear.

As a result, the situation gradually became stable...

Those students who did not meet the standards were naturally all passed...

At this moment, Fang Fan and Bai Piao are a little confused...

Needless to say, Bai Piao, this product can't detect the cultivation base...

As for Fang Fan, he is now the one-star middle-stage sanctuary, and he is still far behind the standard of the three-star sanctuary...

Fang Fan's face was somewhat embarrassed when he first walked to the registration place...

This special one was eliminated before it entered?

"Discrimination! This is Chi Guoguo's discrimination! Yeah! How can it be like this!"

"What's wrong with me? Why can't I sign up for the seed class?"

"I think I was praised by the deans of the tutors when I was on the Academy Square!"

Bai Piao yelled directly after him!

As I spoke, my eyes widened...

While talking, this spit gesture was vividly displayed!

Anyway, I can't hold on to it in my heart. Should I call it...

Can this be tolerated?

Looking at Bai Piao, he roared in disregard of his image, Fang Fan subconsciously covered his face...

What a shame!

What a shame!

This guy... can he do it anyway!

Why don't you understand such a thing?

What to say, what not to say, don't you have any points in your heart?

"what happened?"

"Who is yelling!"

In the distance, Xue Wanren, the deputy governor of Guangming Academy, dashed over, his expression not very good.

Especially after seeing Fang Fan, that gesture and expression became even more so.

The vengeance of the cabbage is unforgettable!

Fang Fan opened his mouth, and when he was about to say something, Bai Piao had already rushed forward...

"Uncle Xue! You have to call us the shots!"

"This...this we also want to enter the seed class to practice, so we have the opportunity to participate in the exchange competition for our school and win glory for our school!"

"This is our true desire!"

"Can you just do that..."

"Just open a back door or something!"

"After all, we are a family, aren't we, Uncle Xue..."

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