Fang Fan immediately followed...

It is really not so easy to make Xue Wanren spit.

After such a wave, take off every minute!

With that said, wouldn’t it be clear?

If the Haunt of the relationship between Weng and Son can help you or something, that's not a big problem.

Fang Fan nodded silently, thinking like this in his heart, and then quickly nodded.

From all aspects, this is actually a very real thinking and idea, too real!

Saying a thousand words and ten thousand, in fact, is what it means!

"My father-in-law need not be angry..."

"Since it's all about you, then I know everything..."

"Isn't everyone a family!"

"Since I am a family, my father-in-law invited me, naturally I have no reason not to go!"

"Even if it's for the father-in-law, I have to join the seed class! Don't let the father-in-law lose face!"

Fang Fan waved his hand, while talking, then quickly nodded and said.

The intensity of performance in all aspects must be highlighted, which is probably the feeling.

Xue Wanren, the deputy chief of the Guangming Academy, took a deep breath. He thought to himself that he must not be angry...

If you are really angry at this time, it will not be worth it, and you will definitely be hit by Fang Fan's tricks!

This was just thinking in my heart, and his facial expressions gradually became excited...

The gestures displayed in all aspects are vividly and vividly displayed!

"My father-in-law, are you... okay?"

"If you feel uncomfortable, just tell me..."

"Or I will let Concubine Xiangxi over to take care of you?"

"Who the **** is making you angry? are still angry like this, it's really okay!"

"What can't be said properly..."

Fang Fan sighed deeply as he spoke.

At this age, I may not keep up with the mainstream thinking in my heart...

Listening to Fang Fan continuing to speak on the side, Xue Wanren gritted his teeth and took a few deep breaths, with blue veins on his forehead violently, which was obviously annoyed...

I don’t know what I’m thinking in my heart, but it’s worth affirming that it doesn’t stop at all now...


"Don't get cheap and sell well!"

"Go! I'll take you to register for the first-grade seed class!"

"Don't play tricks on me!"

Xue Wanren's face was dark, and at this moment, it was completely an expression that I didn't want to say more. His heart was already exhausted...

"Boy Fang Fan, Uncle Xue, are you finished?"

"Plus me!"

"Uncle Xue..."

Bai Piao never knew what his face was...

It was a painstaking effort to join the seed class. Even ‘Uncle Xue’ was so smoothly called, it made him and Xue Wanren seem really close.

Leaving aside the others, the posture in this regard is already vivid and vivid!

Without morals, anything is possible!

Today's Bai Piao is a profound test of this truth.

Fang Fan nodded silently, to be honest, he really admired him in his heart!

"Who is your Uncle Xue!"

"Don't scream!"

Xue Wanren waved his big hand, then stared at Bai Piao, and said angrily.

Probably hate Wuwu and Wu. At this moment, Xue Wanren has no good attitude towards Bai Piao because he is resentful at the other side.


"Uncle Xue, isn't it called Uncle Xue? I also want to call you father-in-law like Fang Fan kid, but do you have a second daughter?"

Bai Piao is so dare! Anyway, say whatever is exciting!

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