Divine System of the Strongest Card Supplier in the End Times

Chapter 2616: The more you cook, the more you love to play

As everyone’s discussion came, Xue Wanren, deputy chief of Guangming Academy, couldn’t help but focus on Bai Piao’s curious eyes...

He had witnessed Fang Fan's combat effectiveness many times, and he also knew Fang Fan's toughness, but to be honest, he had never seen Bai Piao's combat effectiveness.

It’s just that I saw him ignoring the coercion of a group of holy teachers in the Academy Square, and I subconsciously felt that he was very strong...

After all, on the Academy Square, under the coercion of a group of holy teachers, only Fang Fan expressed indifferent or even disapproving attitude with him, and even fought on the Academy Square...

Thinking of this, Xue Wanren's eyes couldn't help but condense...

"It can withstand the pressure of the Sanctuary Instructor, and it can also appear so casual, it shouldn't be bad in itself..."

"I just said too much, if this Bai Piao's combat power is too bad, where will I put the face of the deputy palace lord..."

Xue Wanren clenched his fists with both hands, thinking to himself, his brows gradually wrinkled, and his heart fell into infinite contemplation...

Xue Wanren took a deep breath, then looked at Fang Fan on the side...

"How is his combat power?"

"Do you know it in your heart?"

"Won't you drop the chain?"

Xue Wanren asked in a rather unconfident manner, especially after seeing the weird and extreme expression on Fang Fan's face, Xue Wanren's heart stunned...

Is it really going to be slapped in front of so many people today?


"What about combat power... Bai Piao doesn't have it at all."

"Let's put it this way, even the black dog in our college can't beat the guard..."

Fang Fan shrugged and said sincerely.

Xue Wanren felt black in front of him inexplicably...

That's it!

Now it's really finished!

What else!

He, the deputy palace master, was ashamed and thrown home!

"Why didn't you say that he is such a dish?"

"How dare he? Show off every day..."

Xue Wanren's gaze scanned the surroundings, and now he wants to find a chance to drive away!

This is too shameful!

Isn't it bad to hit your face every minute?

He can't bear this blow!

"The more you cook, the more you love to play."

"In fact, I can understand it!"

"My father-in-law, let me go over to prove my combat power, and I will save you a little face anyway!"

Fang Fan smiled slightly, then strode out and found a high platform nearby...

"Whoever wants to challenge me, let's go together!"

Fang Fan waved his hand with pride!

Those who are qualified to challenge Fang Fan are naturally first-year students, and these are not qualified to join the first-year seed class, so they will feel resentment, that is to say, they are a group of one-star sanctuary and two-star sanctuary!

Relatively speaking, Fang Fan didn't pay attention to this level of existence...

Should I beat or beat!

In fact, most of these people have heard of Fang Fan’s name, so many people consciously stepped back, feeling that they were not going to die...

But the forest is big, there are always so few birds that are delicious and want to show off...

Immediately in front of Fang Fan, more than a dozen first-year students of the 1-star sanctuary and 2-star sanctuary realm appeared.

"Everyone will listen to my unified order later!"

"At that time, a few of us will attack him in the middle, dispatch three people to attack on the left, and then dispatch three people to attack on the right!"

"Everyone left raid from behind!"

"As long as we defeat this Fang Fan, we can all enter the seed class!"

"Brothers! Go!"

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