Divine System of the Strongest Card Supplier in the End Times

Chapter 2618: Bai Piao goes to war, no grass will grow

Didn't expect that this time Bai Piao would want to prove himself honestly?

This is a little different from the Bai Piao whom Fang Fan knew...

After Bai Piao finished speaking, he actually walked uprightly, as if he was about to rush over.

Not to mention anything else, this posture alone can clearly show the problem, and this posture is undoubtedly revealed!

"Brother Fang Fan, Brother Bai Piao won't be beaten to death later? Or should we go up and help out?"

Gui Sha opened his mouth and said uncertainly

While speaking, the expression on his face could not help but change a little...

According to the current situation, the situation is collapsing little by little...

Gui Sha's relationship with Bai Piao was pretty good before, so he was still thinking about Bai Piao, for fear that Bai Piao would be beaten to death by turns...

"Although this guy is the fifth scum of war, he won't be beaten to the ground by so many people..."

Fang Fan shrugged and said calmly.

Everyone knows what Bai Piao's combat power is, but this defense power is increasing day by day!

When other people practiced, they focused on attack power, but when they came to Bai Piao, they all became defense power...

As the number of beatings increased during this period, Bai Piao's defensive ability has been invisibly expanded again and again...

At present, even Fang Fan doesn't know the limit of this guy's defense potential...

But what is certain is that this guy is very sloppy from start to finish!

Anyway, I can’t do anything to harm myself in the end...

In this way, it must be pitted to others in the end...

Fang Fan squinted his eyes and couldn't help showing a strange smile on his face. This seemed to be more interesting!

Bai Piao goes out, no grass will grow!

"At that time, if this Bai Piao gets a split, go up and rescue him..."

"Then make it clear to everyone that I misjudged his background, so I opened the back door for him and let him join the first-year seed class!"

"You speak better now..."

Xue Wanren, the deputy chief of Guangming Academy, took a deep breath, and while speaking, he immediately looked at Fang Fan, his pleading gaze was particularly true...

At this time, it's useless to say a thousand words and ten thousand, and you can only slowly let things move towards the predetermined track...

Xue Wanren now regrets the hard words that he said just now. If these people really do what Bai Piao did, is it possible that he really wants to send all these people through the back door to the seed class?

If this is the case, the existence of the seed class loses its meaning...

At the thought of this, Xue Wanren, the deputy chief of Guangming Academy, felt his scalp tingling inexplicably!

"I speak so well?"

"This... not so good..."

"After all, they are all lovely classmates, I really don't want to use their trust in me!"

"I always feel that if you do this, some are not human..."

"really not good……"

"Everyone trusts me so much, how can I live up to their trust in me?"

"What it is! I should be responsible to them!"

Fang Fan held his head high and said while he was talking, he nodded his head with approval, the expression on his face gradually became extremely solemn...

"You bastard, are you deliberately arguing with me?"

"Some things, standing in my position, it's hard to say..."

"You cheated my daughter away, so you can't do anything?"

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