Fang Fan said solemnly, his expression became very real.

Anyway, this attitude has been set now, it's like Xue Wanren's answer.

Xue Wanren, deputy chief of Guangming Academy, gradually darkened his face, and the corners of his mouth twitched...

This time, this feeling in my heart is not right.

"You bastard! You blackmailed me!"

"Do you still want to be with my Xiangfei!"

Xue Wanren instantly assumed his posture as the old father-in-law, and while talking, the hatred expression on his face was vivid and vivid!


"My father-in-law speak carefully!"

"What kind of blackmail is this!"

"This should be called a normal agreement!"

"Hey...I want to be bound in accordance with the established agreement, but unfortunately, these things are beyond my control!"

Fang Fan sighed deeply, and while talking, he nodded his head again and again, the expression and posture on his face also changed.

Leaving aside others, this attitude is very real!

"I don't know you kid yet!"


"Why does my concubine Xiang love you!"

Xue Wanren grinded his teeth, and at this moment he felt quite unreasonable.

Fang Fan shrugged and said calmly: "This is mainly because of my charm, and my sincerity for Concubine Xiang..."

"My father-in-law, after talking for so long, the three thousand hours of cultivation time in the Tower of Light..."

Fang Fan raised his eyebrows, and then reminded him from the side.

It's just such a thing. Anyway, it needs to be resolved. This is the root!


"When did you regret what the deputy palace master said?"

"Just now I just tried to test you, I didn't expect to test it in minutes!"

"A bastard!"

Xue Wanren held up his chest and walked away proudly.

Fang Fan shrugged, his face casual...

This seems more comfortable, as long as the three thousand hours of cultivation time in the Tower of Light remains unchanged, then there is no problem!

At this moment, on the high platform, Bai Piao continued to be violently beaten...

With his defensive power, he really didn't feel much at first, but after he fought more, he still felt painful...

Copper skin and iron bones also have a limit...

These one-star and two-star students in the Sanctuary Realm are really going to die!

Anyway, this attitude is, as long as you can't kill, you'll be beaten to death!

This is so painful!

This head is buzzing, and the mentality has collapsed!

Saying a thousand words and ten thousand is useless, this is the path of my own choice! Cry and shout and have to finish!

Otherwise it would be too shameful!

"I don't feel anything..."

"I don't feel anything!"

"Go up and do it! I'm afraid of a hammer!"

"Come on! Go on! Be happy!"

"Did you not eat! Give me all the strength of your milk drinking! Fight! Keep fighting!"

"Your speed is really bad! Can't you continue to do it?"

"I'll take it... Are you tickling? How strong? A little bit more!"

"Ah! Go on! Be happy!"

Bai Piao gritted his teeth and screamed. In fact, he was enduring infinite pain at the moment, but on the surface he must pretend, and pretend to be the last!

Anyway, I just can't recognize counseling, it's probably in such a state!

This is the true nature of Bai Piao!

Fang Fan felt his scalp numb inexplicably, it was so beautiful...

At the beginning, this guy had to pretend to be forced to the end, playing whatever he said for ten minutes...

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