Bai Piao Yin and Yang talked strangely, his manners gradually became light and flirty...

Between words, there is a sense of sparkle!

The thoughts in this melon seed must be extremely complicated!

Fang Fan was dumbfounded when he stood by...

There are such brazen people in the world!

"piss off!"

"If you have the ability to find the main welfare of the deputy government, don't say that there are none!"

Fang Fan rolled his eyes and spit out angrily.

This matter has nothing to do with him...

"All the qualifiers for the first-grade seed class come here!"

At this time, a male voice came from the crowd, and the scene seemed very lively for a time!

Everyone shrugged, and then strode over.

I saw Sima Zhen, the special tutor of the God of War Academy who presided over the meeting...

In addition, Wu Lang, the special mentor of the God of War Academy is also...

There is also Fang Fan's cheap master Taishu Jie standing there with a proud face...

Fang Fan also saw Murong Yu in the crowd...

Those who can become special tutors of the seed class are basically the special tutors and first-level tutors of the War God Academy and the Priest Academy...

And it is still based on the special level instructor, supplemented by the first level instructor!

After all, it's about the exchange game in half a year, and everything needs to be serious.

In addition to the more well-known freshman mentors of the War God Academy, Fang Fan also saw Fu Jing, the former dean and current deputy dean of the Theological Academy, also standing there...

At this moment everyone gathered together, their expressions also seemed very rich...


"Everyone knows that our purpose of forming this seed class... is for the exchange competition in half a year!"

"In other words, within half a year, the various rare resources in the seed class will be used casually! As long as you can improve your combat power, you will have no scruples!"

"Well, the head teachers of the first-grade seed class are Deputy Dean Fu Jing and Tai Shujie's tutor! Welcome everyone..."

"Besides, Teacher Wulang, Teacher Zhao Peng...Tutor Murongyu will be responsible for your daily teaching!"

"Now I invite Vice President Fu Jing and Tai Shujie's tutor to speak..."


Sima Zhen, the special mentor of the God of War Academy, went up and missed his face, and immediately explained the matter.

Fang Fan glanced strangely at Uncle Jie, who was still arrogant standing on the high platform. He didn't expect that this person could still be a class teacher, and could even sit on the same level as Fu Jing, the former dean of the priesthood...

It seems that this cheap master's status in the academy is not low!

Was it low-key before? Still want to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger?

Fang Fan curled his lips, sinking into contemplation in his heart.

The seed class implements a double class teacher system, which means that they can cooperate and supervise each other.


"If you want me to say, you just practice hard and you're done!"

"Even if you don't participate in any exchange competition, at least you can give priority to using those cherished resources as much as possible in the past six months!"

"That's enough! These are your opportunities!"

"Seize the opportunity, the future is boundless!"

"Turning resources into your own cultivation base is your real ability! Don't engage in those imaginary things!"

Tai Shu Jie waved his hand, said a few words of truth, and came down, and then walked straight towards Fang Fan's location.

This is indeed the style of this person, eclectic, image or something, and it seems that I haven't cared about it.

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