Divine System of the Strongest Card Supplier in the End Times

Chapter 2635: Bai Piao, recognize your father

Too annoying!

I'm over...

How could there be such a brazen person!

How dare he!

Why does this face look so ugly!

What is thinking in this heart!


"Are you sure you are accusing me? Don't blow yourself up..."

"If the deputy palace lord is really allowed to come here, then I really want to say a few more words..."

"You are really unqualified as a first-year seed class teacher! You just wanted to eliminate the three mainstays when you started. I really don't know what you think..."

"What are you thinking about in your head?"

"If you don't know how to screen people, can't you just stop being silly?"

"I really thought it would be necessary to call the Vice-Palace Master? Even if Xue Wanren is standing here, he wants to make your mouth big!"

Tai Uncle Jie was talking, and then he followed Tucao.

In view of Tai Shujie's attitude and words in all aspects, Fang Fan really wanted to give him a thumbs up...

Good guy... this babble, babble!

This mouth is too talkable!

"Brother Bai Piao, how do I feel that Teacher Taishujie and your personality are similar, and the tone of this speech is also similar, is there any relationship between you?"

Gui Sha raised his eyebrows, and then concealed his analysis.

"Bai Piao is the long-lost son of my master..."

Fang Fan nodded solemnly.

"piss off!"

"Don't talk nonsense!"

"I have nothing to do with this old guy!"

"No, he is now my nominal master, and at best it is a master-disciple relationship!"

"As for the others, don't talk about it!"

The corner of Bai Piao's mouth twitched, and he spit out on the side.

This almost put yourself in? How can this work? The rhythm of fleeing every minute!

At this moment, I feel that my head is constantly turning, which seems a bit too difficult!


On the high platform, the conversation between Tai Shujie and Fu Jing, the vice-president of the College of Priesthood, continued...

This scene is still very real!

Waves of bursting feeling surged!

The excitement on everyone's faces was beyond words...

Anyway, the posture in all aspects is very real.

Needless to say the rest, the attitude is enough here! Enough!

"You...you have to do it, you come to screen the seed class students!"

"I want to see what elites you can filter out!"

Fu Jing, the vice-president of the Theological Academy, clenched her fists and gritted her teeth. She was completely firm at this moment.

This wave is too difficult!

Inexplicably, I feel my brain buzzing...

Facial expressions change quickly too, not to mention other things, just the expressions are in place!

From the perspective of Fu Jing, the deputy dean of the priesthood college, she really didn't want to face Tai Shujie...

Every time I meet, I must be angry...

If you continue like this, sooner or later you will be angry!

I don't know how it grows, it's poisonous anyway! Very poisonous! More poisonous every time!

"I can filter! No problem!"

"Isn't it easy to select a hundred people out of a hundred and fifty?"

"What a big deal!"

"Look at me!"

Tai Uncle Jie waved a big hand, then stood on the high platform, with a proud face...

"Fang Fan, Bai Piao and... and Liuli little girl, first pick out..."

"Oh... what are the names of the two people standing next to my apprentice Fang Fan? Also get out!"

Tai Shujie was talking, and then beckoned to Fang Fan and others.

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