Speaking of Cao Cao, this Cao Cao is here...

Xue Wanren, the deputy head of the Guangming Academy, walked over with a helpless look. He could predict that something would happen here, so he kept his eyes on it, and finally realized that it was so!

This is no longer a good way to say something, saying something is like a firecracker...

This wave after wave really makes the scalp numb!

Xue Wanren, deputy chief of Guangming Academy, thought this in his heart, and the seeds were buzzing...

"What the **** is going on!"

"You two are arguing again?"

"If it doesn't work, don't do it as the teacher in charge at all! I'll just replace it!"

Xue Wanren, the deputy chief of the Guangming Academy, said with a black face while talking.

"This has nothing to do with me. I do my wholeheartedly for our first-year seed class! It is also for the exchange of matches in half a year! I do this for the overall situation!"

"It's a pity that some people can't see the big picture!"

"For personal gain, this is it..."


Uncle Jie took the lead in pretending to be good...

While speaking, he immediately sighed with emotion on the side. At this moment, while speaking, the helpless expression on his face grew more and more.

This time the thoughts gathered, and the feelings couldn't help but increase.

That's what I think in my heart anyway.

"Vice Palace Master! You are here! You really want to cure this uncle Jie! He is arbitrary and nepotitarian! Shameless!"

"Because Fang Fan is his disciple, the six first-year students recommended by Fang Fan who have not been pre-selected will directly recruit them to become official students in the first-year seed class!"

"Is this fair to other students?"

"I think this effect is very bad!"

"Guangming Academy is not a place where privileges are emphasized!"

"So this kind of attempt to obtain privileges must be severely stopped!"

"Only in this way can fairness and justice be shown!"

"Our fairness and justice are definitely not just talking about it! Substantive actions must be taken!"

"Let this action be contrived!"

Fu Jing, the deputy dean of the College of Priesthood, held her head high, she seemed excited!

Anyway, this posture is shown.

What others say is useless! The point is that the current attitude can explain a wave of problems!

The situation is expanding ahead!

"There is such a thing?"

"Fang Fan? Uncle Jie? You made it all?"

"Are you all drifting like this now?"

"Fang Fan! How did I find that you are there whenever something happens!"

"Also uncle Jie! You are Fang Fan's mentor. You don't supervise and stop his behavior, so you still follow him to mess around?"

"Are you doing this?"

Xue Wanren, the deputy chief of the Guangming Academy, was talking, and immediately followed up with a full rant.

This seems to be **** off...

The gesture of gnashing his teeth when speaking is vivid and vivid!

Needless to say, this attitude is very obvious anyway!

Tai Uncle Jie opened his mouth. When he was about to say something, Fang Fan immediately preempted him...

"My father-in-law..."

"Don't get involved!"

"Vice Palace Master, although the six people I recommended were my guards before, they have all been promoted to the four-star mid-sacred realm. Under the full explosion, the general four-star peak sanctuary exists. Their opponent..."

"Well...it's such a thing..."

Fang Fan knows the vice-president too much, anyway, he is always taking the lead!

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