Fang Fan opened his mouth, he really didn't know what to say at this moment.

This has to be true...

Sometimes it's really not that he has any troublesome intestines, but that the charm lies there, there is really no way!

Charm is very mysterious and cannot be explained clearly in a few words.

Fang Fan stretched, feeling inexplicably that he is really Alexander now...

This wave of pressure is on me!

From this perspective, it is also very difficult!

At this moment, on the high platform, Tai Uncle Jie chose three so-called beauties with big buttocks and chests according to his own preferences, and then selected them into the first-grade seed class, which formally gathered a hundred people.

Fang Fan exclaimed, but he didn't expect this cheap master to taste such a man...

The points that I care about are clear!

The three female students selected were naturally ecstatic. On the one hand, they were able to join the first-grade seed class and were able to get the resources of the university.

On the other hand, the feelings in this heart will also be different. This is selected, but the name of a beautiful woman is confirmed. Isn't this beautiful in my heart?

Even on the surface, he is modestly saying that he is not a beautiful woman, not a beautiful woman...

But standing on the street and yelling "beauties" casually, to ensure that all women will turn their heads subconsciously...

What a natural nature!

However, those female students who were not selected naturally began to criticize viciously!


"Shady! There is a shady inside!"

"Why! Why do they choose not to choose me! What am I missing? Isn't my chest smaller? But I look pretty!"

"I'm also not convinced! The beauty should be the face of the competition!"

"Who doesn't like my wicker waist?"

"The public should be allowed to judge who is a beauty..."

"Uncle's tutor can't be maverick!"

"We have to protest!"

"I promise not to give up!"

"Let's also enter the seed class!"

"We will never give up!"

"We will fight to the end!"

"You can stop our mouths, but you can't stop our people!"

"War war war!"



The noise was endless, and the scene became extremely chaotic...

After this wave, the rhythm of doing things will only become stronger!

Everyone's eyes widened, and at this moment they were in a completely explosive state.

Now I have to fight for my own interests to the end...

If you change someone to fight like this, it might still be effective, but these methods seem a bit too pediatric in front of Tai Shujie...

People don’t even care about these things...

These methods are even left over by others.

"Shut up all to me!"

"My uncle Jie is acting, when is your turn to dictate?"

"Fuck off!"

"All those eliminated, get out of here!"

"Ao wailing in front of me again, believe it or not, I will slap you away?"

"Didn't you give me the nickname of the Necromancer? Do you want to personally practice what is the sense of the undead?"

With a roar, Tai Shu Jie directly crushed all dissatisfaction...

Dare to follow the clamor here, it's really the opposite!

Give a face!

It's completely shameless now!

How can this work?

Tai Uncle Jie directly opened up the battle, and the scene immediately became quiet. At this moment, even a needle can be heard very clearly...

A wave of resistance was directly disintegrated!

This is a mob!

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