Tai Shujie has always been arrogant, the more threatening you are, the less you will not eat it...

For him, this is nothing at all!

Not to mention a demigod-level saint who is far away in the temple of the Guangming Alliance, even the deputy palace master of the demigod-level of the Guangming Academy, he might not save face.

This reputation is also made step by step!

"Good! Very good! I will convey these words of yours to Saint Zuoqiu!"

Fu Jing, the deputy dean of the College of Priesthood, almost died of anger...

While talking at the moment, his chest rises and falls unnaturally!


"So how can it be compared?"

"Bidou decides the position of squad leader!"

"Hurry up! Don't waste time! It's all very busy!"

Tai Shu Jie waved his hand and said calmly.

"Comparing to fighting is better to fighting!"

"Do you really think how strong your disciple Fang Fan is?"

"Last time, it was an accident!"

"I don't believe that he can display such combat effectiveness every time!"

"He is not a god!"

"Taxue! Jiayi!"

"Come here! Fight with him one by one!"

"As long as I win him, I will definitely do my best to train you as a teacher in the future!"

"Give your breath for being a teacher!"

Fu Jing, the vice-president of the College of Priesthood, was talking, her lips began to whimper unnaturally.

Now the thoughts in this heart are very real!

Since antagonizing Fang Fan and Tai Shujie, every time she ended up in complete failure!

I never succeeded once!

Slap again and again! She was really disgusting! Also disgusted! She wants to take off!

With this in mind, Fu Jing, the vice-president of the College of Theology, only hopes to strive for one success!

She only needs success this time!

Whatever the price...

Fu Jing, the deputy dean of the Theological College, looked expectantly at her two precious disciples Zuoqiu Taxue and Liu Jiayi...

"Master...I...I can't, I'm not his opponent..."

"He even killed Senior Brother Zuoqiu Met, what am I..."

"Master, he will even beat me to death..."

Zuoqiu Taxue took a deep breath, panicking completely at this moment, and while talking, he quickly retreated...

At this time, I always want to stay with me.

Not to mention anything else, this heart is really flustered!

It's like a little deer ramming around, it's crazy!

Fu Jing, the vice-president of the College of Priesthood, turned dark again. She had just generated a little flame of hope. Is this going to completely extinguish her? That's what it means? Isn't it a bit too timely?

This is the disciple she has always regarded as a treasure...

"The last time it was just an accident!"

"He is only a one-star mid-sacred realm! What is he afraid of! What is there to be afraid of!"

"I will support you behind!"

"No matter what happens in Canada, I will support you!"

"If there is any danger, I will never sit back and watch!"

"What I said, don't you have any points in your heart?"

"Don't drop me the chain!"

Fu Jing's voice gradually became hoarse...

She even wants to pray directly now, can she give her a face? This is enough! As long as she has a face, let her close her eyes now!

That's what I think in my heart anyway!


"Then... then you...you must remember to save me..."

"I don't want to die..."

"If you are late for the rescue... Fang Fan will really kill me..."


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