Is this also considered as entering the wrong gate?

"what a pity……"

"I should insist on staying in the Wars Academy..."

"Everyone is running towards the God of War Academy, this is not without reason..."

"In all aspects, people are strong..."

"If I were from the War God Academy, I wouldn't be so opposed to this Fang Fan..."

"This guy is completely perverted. To compete with this seizure is just taking his own humiliation..."

"Remember this in the future, if you really meet this guy, try to hide as much as possible!"

Zuoqiu Taxue nodded to himself, thinking in his heart, the expression on his face became more and more solemn and sincere.

From a comprehensive point of view, this is also a very real idea in my heart.

At this moment, on the high platform, the battle between Fang Fan and Liu Jiayi, a first-year student of the Priesthood Academy, has begun completely...

Speaking of speaking, Fang Fan didn't feel much about his male and female opponents.

What about men? What about women?

Even if it’s a pretty girl, that’s it...

Anyway, this is not my own woman, saying a thousand words and ten thousand has nothing to do with me...

"If you have a low cultivation base, you should take action first!"

Liu Jiayi held her head up high, showing her arrogant posture thoroughly.

In fact, she is a routine of retreat for advancement...

According to the normal rhythm, she said this to a woman, and Fang Fan must be upset in his heart. If this happens, his chance will really come!

At that time, if Fang Fan is a little slack, she will be able to kill each other with one blow...

Although from Liu Jiayi's perspective, she never considered Fang Fan's one-star mid-sacred realm cultivation base in her eyes, but since Fang Fan can make such a reputation, it must not be a joke. In all aspects, I still have to care about a little bit.


"it is good……"

Fang Fan nodded, then smashed it with a punch...

In order to show his politeness, he only used a bit of this fist...

Of course, this is a part of the strength after borrowing the power of a six-star elementary holy domain **** pet...

This force was punched out and hit directly on the face of Liu Jiayi, a first-year student in the priesthood...


In an instant, the bridge of the nose broke, and his face collapsed...

Streaks of blood flowed out, and Liu Jiayi reacted and screamed frantically...



"It hurts... it hurts!"

"It hurts me! It hurts me!"

"Crazy man! You crazy man!"

"What the **** are you lunatic! What are you doing!"

Totally madman! madman! "

"My nose! My face, I am disfigured!"

Liu Jiayi gritted her teeth, then shivered and screamed.

This sounds a bit wronged...

"Didn't you say that my cultivation base is low, so you let me take the shot first?"

"I'm making a move, this is it here?"

"Can't you afford it? Don't play if you can't afford it..."

"That's it? What do you mean!"

Fang Fan shrugged and said seriously.


"Then why are you hitting me in the face!"

Liu Jiayi gritted her teeth and then let out a bitter scream.

"Who makes you short, this face is just as good as my fist..."

"If you grow taller, I should be looking for a place down..."

"The bottom is not very good either, either the neck or the chest..."

Fang Fan looked around Liu Jiayi's body, then said with deep conviction.

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