"This is seven catties and twos of red blood thunder copper..."

"All for you!"

"This is a good thing, remember to save some use!"

"If it weren't for the old man, I'm in a good mood today, and your kid is also good. I definitely can't make your kid so smooth!"

"Practice hard! In the future, I will be more angry with that Xue Wanren..."

Old Zhentou squinted his eyes, bright light flashing in his muddy eyes.

"Thank you senior!"

"Goodbye, senior."

Taking the Scarlet Blood Thunder Bronze in his hand, Fang Fan immediately left with Xiao Liuli and Liu Jiayi.

He put the Scarlet Blood Thunder Bronze into the Chutian Pavilion small world, and then put the Heaven Slashing Sword into it.

"So rich energy!"

"Woo...Zhan Zhan is so happy!"

"Master, thank you!"

"Uuuu...Zhan Zhan is going to be promoted..."

There was an excited cry from the Heaven Slashing Sword Spirit in his mind, and Fang Fan followed with a silent smile.

The stronger the Heaven Slashing Sword became, for Fang Fan, it was also an overall promotion in combat power!

Fang Fan immediately returned to the dormitory...

Xiao Liuli and Liu Jiayi have to follow all the way...

"You... don't you go back to the dormitory?"

"Do you want to go back and have a rest?"

"The trials of this period are also very tiring."

Fang Fan looked at Xiao Liuli and Liu Jiayi, then smiled on the sidelines.


"Isn't it the same when I go to your dorm to rest?"

"Don't you... don't want me to go in?"

"Are you hiding in Jinwu?"

"You...you won't find another one, do you?"

Xiao Liuli pursed her lips and asked pitifully.

Although Liu Jiayi on the side didn't speak directly, her inquiring gaze was projected.

This thinking has always seemed to be problematic, what are these things...

It's all involved in it at every turn!

What is Jinwu Cangjiao?

Have they all risen to this level now?

Jinwu Cangjiao?

Thanks to such good thinking.

Fang Fan supported his forehead, and he really seemed to have a headache.

"If you want to come in, come in..."

"The house is big enough anyway..."

Fang Fan stretched his waist and then led the two women into the room.

Fang Fan subconsciously stretched after entering the dormitory...

I am really tired recently.

Either in the battle, or on the way to the battle.

There is more or less exhaustion in the mind and body.

If you can sleep transparently at this moment, it is also an excellent choice.

"Husband, I will undress you..."

Xiao Liuli walked over and waited on her face obediently.

"Brother, gave me your foot wash, soak your feet, I soaked ten thousand years of snow ginseng and Tianling grass in it, but it's comfortable..."

"Senior brother, come and try, it's all the feelings of the younger sister."

Not to be outdone, Liu Jiayi immediately crawled down to wash Fang Fan's feet...

Immediately, Fang Fan felt that his body was not his own, and he didn't need to control anything anyway. Just stay there secretly, and his whole person gradually became airy...

It's too good!

The feeling of being served turned out to be like this...



"My nose..."

Fang Fan suddenly felt that he was getting hot all over, and then subconsciously touched his nose, he had a nosebleed...

Immediately after Fang Fan's body became extremely red, the sound of his inhalation gradually became rush...

It's as if you have suddenly entered a special state.

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