Do you have this attitude now?

When I was invited to participate in a friendly match before, I was still smiling!

Humph! Isn't it just that you have taken a fancy to the little white face named Fang Fan and think I am ugly? Don't think I can do it anymore?

What's going on!

The horse face youth Xue Aotian twitched the corners of her mouth, thinking to herself that the black lines on her forehead grew more and more.

Needless to say other things for the time being, the resentment in my heart at this moment is taking off in an all-round way!

It's so uncomfortable!

However, this person in front of him is the president of Guangming Club anyway. From the perspective of this horse-faced young man, Xue Aotian, he really dare not treat him badly.

All aspects of this are also involved...

"Huh! President! Don't worry, if this kid is still there when the third match begins, I will let him know what cruelty is!"

The horse face youth Xue Aotian gritted his teeth, and the black lines on his forehead grew more and more.

Thinking like this in my heart at the moment, my mentality seems a little broken...

Anyway, his face is full of unhappiness! That's how it is.

The president of Guangming Club, Chu Sisi, did not answer this question at all...


Gradually, the second match of the Tiandao Society and the Guangming Society will begin.

The first game was completely lonely, and he gave up as soon as he went on the court. He was really a good guy.

Bai Piaopo looked at the few betting amounts in front of him, and the black line on his forehead continued to increase...

"Boy Fang Fan is fighting too fast..."

"My speed can't keep up!"

"I haven't gotten the gamblers how much, the first game is gone..."

"Can this speed be a little slower..."

"It's not too good to be too fast..."

"This... Alexander!"

Bai Piao sighed with deep emotion, and he couldn't help showing his spitting posture. Needless to say, other things are more or less collapsed in his mentality...

"Boy Fang Fan! Slow down the second game! Give me some time to receive customers!"

"Pull the rhythm down a little bit..."

"Anyway, the combat power of the Guangming Society is very hot, you can control the audience!"

Bai Piao murmured, he was purely for the sake of his betting, for fear that there would be some accidents in all aspects.

If that were the case, it would be abolished...

But this guy didn't have any restraint when talking.

Good guy, how arrogant and arrogant this is, do you want to crush all those who are not satisfied?

I often say that there are spicy chickens in the Guangming Society...

Is it too arrogant?

With the current atmosphere, it really seems like that.

At the very least, this posture looks a little different right now.

For those people in the Guangming Society, it was an all-round dimensionality reduction blow!

Does this sound good in my heart?

Naturally, his complexion became extremely ugly!

Fang Fan didn't pay attention to Bai Piao...

Fang Fan had reminded Bai Piao a long time ago. It's not suitable for gambling on this occasion. This guy doesn't listen at all. Now in this situation, what is this situation?

Things on the scene seem very embarrassing...

What to say and do, there must be a constitution, right?

The second battle in the arena begins...

This time the Guangming Club came up to a second-year Xuan-level student...

Five-star high-end sanctuary realm! Among the Xuan-level students, they were already extremely powerful.

"My name is Zu Fan, a second-year Xuan-level student, from the Priesthood Academy..."

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