Fang Fan thought about this, and then smiled indifferently.

The overall situation is basically stabilized.

After seeing the wanting smile on Fang Fan's face, the anger in Xue Aotian's heart grew more and more during Ma Lianqing's year.



"Are you mocking me?"



Xue Aotian's eyes instantly turned bloody, and his body unnaturally trembled violently...

Immediately afterwards, his whole body gradually turned into blood red...

Even those hands became extremely crimson!

At the same time, the hair actually protrudes upwards, as if turning into sharp vertebrae...

At this moment, Xue Aotian's combat power suddenly skyrocketed...

"In the beginning, it was only the weakest six-star mid-stage sanctuary power..."

"Now the combat power has been increased to the six-star high-level sanctuary..."

"No...still continuing to improve..."

"This...what happened to this?"

"Something happened! Something happened!"

"The Xue Aotian of Guangming Club seems to have mutated..."

"My Cao... the whole body is as red as the sunset, just like that big lobster!"

"His... weird! Very weird!"

"He...Why is he still braving? No...Is it self-burning?"

"Are you so stupid? Who is so stupid that you burn yourself? No, no, there must be a problem in it, there is absolutely no possibility that there is nothing wrong..."


"I also know that there is a problem. The point is, where is the problem?"

"The combat power of Xue Aotian of the Guangming Society seems to have increased to the Six-Star Peak Sanctuary..."

"Still...still continuing to promote!"


"Isn't it about raising your combat power... to the Seven-Star Sanctuary Realm, right?"

"Who can hold on to this audience?"

"This scene... why is it so like being in a demon?"


The surrounding voices of discussion continued, everyone's eyes gathered here, and the whole person became erratic.

Thinking about this so far, it collapsed!

In the arena...

Fang Fan looked at the changes in the horse-faced young man Xue Aotian before him, completely stunned.

Good guy...

What the **** is this going to cause?

Why can't he understand at all?


What is erratic, in the end is the magical situation!

The situation is really not right!

This guy's combat power has increased too much, and many of the trump cards in Fang Fan's hand can't be used.

"You forced me!"

"You forced me!"


"Fang Fan!"

"It's you! You are persecuting me!"

"Whirring whirring……"

"I won't... I won't let you go!"

"I don't want to do this, but there is no way! I can only do this!"


"Go to hell!"

"Go to hell!"


The horse-faced young man Xue Aotian actually yelled violently, and then the clothes on his body suddenly exploded!

Immediately revealed the body full of veins...



"It's disgusting... vomit..."

Many people present immediately vomited, and the panic on their faces grew more and more. At this moment, their brows were frowned, their right hands were covering their chests, and their faces were more or less pale.

Speaking of it, everyone is actually a cultivator. Who hasn't seen blood and corpses yet? Everyone is knowledgeable.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, such a large-scale vomiting phenomenon is unlikely to occur.

Now it can only be said that the body of this horse-faced young man Xue Aotian is really too disgusting.

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