The tutors are always long overdue...

"Where are Gu worms?"

"Where is the incarnation of the Gu God?"

"Is there a trace of the dark camp evil god?"


In the distance, a dozen instructors flew over.

In the forefront, it was indeed Xue Wanren, the deputy chief of Guangming Academy.

At this moment, he seemed quite nervous...As the deputy palace chief in charge of the daily affairs of the academy, Xue Wanren naturally did not want any turbulence in the academy.

But the recent turmoil has been one after another.

The more you don't want something to happen, the more likely it will happen.

Sometimes these things are weird, and there is a feeling of vain.

What else can this follow?

Everything can only choose to be silent...

Xue Wanren looked towards the core of the arena, only to see a piece of scorched black, and then the red flame swaying, which seemed quite charming...

"Vice Palace Master... Vice Palace Master, it's all over!"

"Vice Palace Master, Gu worms have all been killed!"

"Vice Palace Master, don't worry, you don't have to worry about this situation!"

"Vice Palace Master, your son-in-law has already dealt with all this clearly..."

"Vice-Palace Master, you still come here in person, really, it's not necessary..."

Seeing Xue Wanren's arrival, Bai Piao quickly ran up, ready to flatter...

In the future, I don’t know how long I will spend time in Guangming Academy. It is also necessary to establish a relationship with the deputy palace master in advance. When the time comes, he will be able to turn a blind eye to things like opening a gambling market. Just look at...

Every movement of Bai Piao must be purposeful and planned.

Bai Piao has always been a very planning person...

"Shut me up!"


"My son-in-law?"

"Don't talk about it!"

"Is it still the problem of Fang Fan's bastard?"

Xue Wanren took a deep breath, and the whole person felt a little dizzy...

In recent months, the Guangming Academy has not stopped.

I have to do something with me at every turn...

Like what the land of crossing the catastrophe was destroyed twice, like what the top of the tower of light was lifted off...

There are too many incidents of this kind.

More importantly, this **** even cheated his daughter!

This...this is really just a mere humiliation!

Sometimes this is really unbearable!

This wave is really unbearable!

What a bastard!

Hey, his mentality has collapsed, and he can talk about a hammer...

"Call me that bastard!"

"Can he stop a little bit?"

"Is it uncomfortable in my heart not to do things for a day?"

"My heart will explode to him sooner or later!"

Xue Wanren strode forward aggressively, too lazy to wait for Fang Fan to come over, and flew straight towards Fang Fan's position.

Seeing the aggressive look of Vice Palace Master Xue Wanren, the expressions on the faces of the surrounding people couldn't help but change, and the frightened expressions on their faces grew more and more.

"Quickly withdraw..."

"The deputy palace lord is showing off..."

"Don't touch the brow of the deputy palace lord..."

"Don't be targeted by the deputy palace lord at that time!"

"Does this big boss Fang Fan and the deputy palace master have hatred? The deputy palace master seems to be really against him..."

"Who says no, keep your mind steady..."

"Isn't it fragrant to watch the show from afar?"

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