I'm a man of seven feet, can I eat soft rice?

Fang Fan opened his mouth and was about to show off his shaky character when he suddenly found Murong Yu's face with a sly smile.

"It's alright, don't do this in front of me!"

"What is the relationship between us now, don't you have any points in your heart?"

"Why do you want that!"

"Mine is yours, yours is mine, aren't we one?"

"If you want to refuse, are you dissatisfied with me? Have you moved some other crooked thoughts?"

Murong Yu tilted his head and spoke, and then his facial expression changed unpredictably.

Fang Fan sighed deeply.

What else can he follow at this moment?

It's all for this.

Speaking of which, Fang Fan really needs star cores now...

Among the ten legions under his command, eight legions have been promoted to the six-star peak sanctuary, but there are two legions limited to the five-star peak sanctuary...

In this way, we still need to pay more attention to this aspect...

Fang Fan squinted his eyes, thought to himself, and then exhaled a stale breath.

"You little fairy, did you come here to insult me ​​with star cores?"

Fang Fan bullied himself up and pressed Murong Yu under his body, with infinite brilliance in his eyes.


"Don't you like it?"

Murong Yu blinked, then stretched out his hand and tapped Fang Fan's chin in a frivolous gesture.

This woman is now completely refined...

Fang Fan let out a sigh of breath, and his eyebrows rose quickly...

Good guy...

At this moment, I can only follow to stabilize it in an all-round way!


"Then since you have arranged the star cores in place, do I want to eat this soft rice more authentically..."

"I'll take care of you..."

Fang Fan exhaled a stale breath, and then the garden was full of spring!



When Fang Fan came out of the dormitory again, it was already two days later.

Younger son, there is still a little bit of blood.

Sometimes it's not that Fang Fan doesn't want to be temperate, but that he can't control it.

The time span was already quite large, and Fang Fan could only say nothing!

After walking two laps in the academy, just as Fang Fan was about to go to the Guangming Academy to practice, Bai Piao suddenly hurried over.

At the same time, there was a scarlet figure behind him...

"Boy Fang Fan, something went wrong!"

Bai Piao's face looked very ugly, and while talking, he immediately pulled the scarlet figure over.

Fang Fan squinted his eyes and glanced around, his eyes suddenly shrank...


"Why are you here?"

"What happened?"

Fang Fan strode forward, then put his hands on the shoulders of the scarlet figure...

The young man soaked in blood in front of him was Zhou Kaitian! It was the brother Fang Fan met at the beginning, and one of the eight guardians of the Human Emperor Palace created by Fang Fan...


"Cough...cough cough cough..."

"Go back... go back to the rescue..."

"problem occurs!"

"Cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough

"Boss, our base is ruined...destroyed!"

"The Snow Crystal Plane where we are located doesn't know why so many people suddenly came..."

"They are not from the sky-high sanctuary..."

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... too strong!"

"Dongguo...None of the sages of Dongguo are their opponents..."

"Also...there are sages of Zhuge in it..."

"We are too difficult...too difficult!"

"Boss, now... now only the power of the Desolate God Temple is blessing the entire Snow Crystal Plane, but...but it won't last long...help..."

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