Snow Fairy has two special effects...

"God position special effect one: [Frozen Thousand Miles] can be fully frozen with the Snow Spirit, and can unconditionally freeze the land of thousands of miles for ten seconds! The cooling period is one month!"

"God position special effect two: [The Profound Meaning of Snow], condense the power of snow, perceive the Profound meaning, each time you use it, you can improve your own cultivation level! Cool down period is one month!


The second special effect of the **** position does not need to say anything, it is to accelerate the improvement of the cultivation base...

But the first special effect of God Position [Frozen Thousand Miles] is extraordinary...

Although there is a one-month cooling-off period, the unconditional freezing of a thousand miles of land for ten seconds is exciting to think about...

In these ten seconds, a lot of things have been able to be done.

Fang Fan squinted his eyes secretly, thinking to himself, the brilliance in his eyes grew more and more, and at this moment, the sound of breathing could not help but become extremely rapid...

Needless to say other things for the time being, the thoughts gathered here, and the whole person trembled in an all-round way.

This feeling is particularly pure...

A few days later, the speed of the flying battleship became more and more fast.



Snow Crystal Plane...

At this moment here is already a Shura field.

I glanced at the past, where the corpses were placed, the blood flowed into rivers, the rivers rushed endlessly, and they were connected to each other, converging into the sea...

The hundreds of millions of creatures on the entire plane are being slaughtered at this moment!

In the face of absolute power, the power of the plane is still far too poor.

Right now, only the Desolate God Temple placed on the plane of Snow Crystal still has a certain resistance!

In front of them, there are countless people in black who are constantly attacking.

Continuous and full of rhythm.

In the Desolate God Temple, Ye Mei'er, the high priest of the Temple, stood on the spot, her brows already frowned...

This time the situation is different from usual...

In the past, the Palace of Human Emperors was not without frantic attacks. At that time, it was also an absolute crush on strength. Once the Palace of Human Emperors and even the Temple of Desolate Gods were about to suffer annihilation, but they survived at the last juncture. In the end, Fang Fan was able to return successfully...

But this time, they obviously had many opportunities to attack, and then they could completely wipe out the entire Desolate God Temple and Human Emperor Hall, but they didn't do that...

"What is their purpose..."

"Their strength is too strong, we have long lost the ability to resist..."

"Even the light of the Desolate God Temple has long been exhausted..."

"If they want, they can rush in to harvest at any time, and then carry out the final killing..."

"But every time at the last moment, I always quit..."

"It's like playing on us, wanting to hit us, but not wanting to kill us completely..."

Ye Mei'er exhaled a suffocating breath. At this moment, her brows were already frowning. While talking, she subconsciously glanced around her surroundings. At this moment, her facial expressions changed unpredictably and looked unreal.

There are definitely a lot of things involved in this, and there are definitely problems in it.

It's definitely not as easy and simple as imagined.


"I don't know the thoughts of these people either..."

"Suddenly they followed to launch an offensive, and they could defeat even an existence like Dongguo Shengzhe, so they were naturally powerful..."

"It's even easier to kill us, but why do you have to do this?"

"Another hobby?"

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