Divine System of the Strongest Card Supplier in the End Times

Chapter 3011: Encountered the Man in Black

Thinking of this, Zhuge Dun, the third-class luminous alliance temple saint in Qingtian Sanctuary, quickly shrank his neck, and the flattering color on his face grew more and more.

Needless to say other things for now, the posture that should be shown must be shown...

"Wuji people laughed, what you ordered, I am sure... I will keep it firmly in my heart, and I dare not neglect the slightest..."

"Wuji people, that is...that...that practice technique you promised before..."

"Ah... I have been stuck in this Eight-Star Peak Sanctuary for too long, so... so..."

Saint Zhuge took a deep breath, the excitement on his face was beyond words.

Needless to say, the rest is the purest posture.

While talking at the moment, he immediately nodded and bowed.

He behaves like this back and forth, and naturally has his own purpose. In fact, his most real purpose is to seek the skin of a tiger, and to get rewards from so-called big men like Ya Nian...

He also wants to be promoted to the holy state!

"Don't worry, the thing is done, your benefits are indispensable!"

"How does the ambassador care about these?"

"get out!"

The black-clothed man, who is known as Wu-Ji, snorted coldly, his attitude was particularly arrogant.

At this moment, the Zhuge Sage didn't dare to have an expression that didn't bother me at all. On the contrary, there was more flattery on his face...

Needless to say the rest for the time being, it's like this what it shows at this moment anyway.

Pure and true.

The idea is in place, and the wave takes off directly!



"Master, the front is the Snow Crystal Plane..."

"Master, the smell of blood around has become rich..."

"Master, all these **** smells are transmitted from the snow crystal plane..."


The Abyss Demon King Legion commanded the wings on the back of Satan's instigator. While speaking, he immediately glanced around the surrounding area, and his facial expressions changed particularly real.

There is a problem with the surrounding scene...


"Those people in black are very strong... very strong..."

"You...you have to be careful!"

"East Guo Shengzhe is not their opponent..."


Zhou Kaitian has recovered from the beginning at this moment, but there are still some worries on his face.

He had personally felt the power of the people in black before.

From his perspective, he naturally does not want any accidents to his boss.

"Don't worry, I have a sense of measure..."

Fang Fan squinted his eyes, then continued to accelerate the flying battleship...

Fang Fan is desperate at this moment...

He wanted to go back and see what happened to the Palace of Human Emperor!

And those people he cares about, are they all well at the moment?

Flew directly from the front position to the plane of snow crystals, glanced at the past, only a piece of blood...

The entire plane of snow crystals has been completely immersed in blood...

When Fang Fan drove the Flying Battleship close to the Snow Crystal Plane, the men in black ambushing around instantly surrounded Fang Fan's Flying Battleship...

This is the net of heaven and earth they set up!


"Jie Jie Jie!"

"I really fell into the trap!"

"It's kind of bloody!"

"In order to wait for you, we have been guarding for several days..."

"Fortunately, I finally waited!"

"Beheading you, the great **** of destruction will surely give me the supreme gift..."

A black-clothed man came over in the distance, wrapped in black clothes all over his body, and even his face was wearing a black visor.

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