Fang Fan clenched his fists in silence, his face suddenly became extremely ugly...

If Brother Dongguo had any accident, he would definitely regret it for life!

"You all have to die!"

"One, I want to escape too!"

Fang Fan's indifferent gaze swept around, and the killing intent gathered here as he spoke...

At this moment, this feeling of tyranny is to be fully demonstrated.

At this time, there is no need to say anything, just do it!

Let it all sink to this point!

Death may be the best means of relief...



"It's ridiculous... ridiculously ridiculous! Really ridiculous and direct!"

"Fang Fan, you still don't know where you are, do you?"

"Do you still have no points in your heart under what circumstances?"

"You don't really think you are so lucky every time, do you?"

"Before you had a Dong Guoshuo who has been protecting you, but now there is none! He is no longer able to protect himself!"

"Even if Dong Guoshuo is intact as before, what about it? In front of Wuju people, let alone one Dong Guoshuo, even one hundred and one thousand are useless!"

"You are sure to die!"

Zhuge Dun, who has turned into a dog leg, is now showing loyalty again...

At this moment, while talking, the flattering color on his face grew more and more.

Needless to say the rest, it seems very shameless anyway...

A good saint is not appropriate, and must be a dog...

"The situation on the other side is wrong..."

"Fang Fan, you have to be careful..."

"The man in black who is the leader on the opposite side is at least a middle-ranked sage or above, preliminary estimation should be a high-ranked sage..."

"Besides, there are at least two low-level saints beside him..."

"The remaining thousands of people in black are basically the existence above the Five-Star Sanctuary..."

"Such a lineup is beyond our control..."

"Fang Fan, it's too dangerous..."

"I will **** you away, I will stop them!"

Murong Yu's face suddenly became very ugly. From her perspective, it was natural to see how harsh the current situation was.

If you are not careful, you may get cold directly...

The situation will also be directly collapsed invisible...

When I think of this, I feel cold sweat all over my body...

Naturally, there is no need to say the rest.

Although Murong Yu also exists in the Holy Venerable Realm, it is only a low-level Holy Venerable after all...

And there are at least three holy sovereigns in front of them.

"Ha ha……"

"In order to win me, I'm really willing to pay for the capital..."

"But if you think that you will be able to secure a victory in this way, it would be too ridiculous."

Fang Fan squinted his eyes, his eyes flashing with infinite killing intent...

"Husband! Run away!"

"They are very strong! They set up the game just to target you!"

"Husband! Leave us alone!"

"You run away! Revenge for us later!"

In the distance, Ye Meier stood at the top of the Desolate God Temple and spoke towards Fang Fan...

Fang Fan's heart trembled as the sound wave transmitted.

Fang Fan exhaled, his complexion and expression changed especially true. At this moment, thinking in his heart, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch to the extreme...

Immediately behind Ye Mei'er, some familiar figures appeared...

Kailin, Zi Ling, Zhang Ao...

These are the existences that I want to protect!

Fang Fan gradually clenched his fists with both hands, his eyes became more determined...

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